Chapter 23

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Ciel's POV

"Sebastian! Sebastian!" I yelled as I walked into my manor. It feels nice to be home. Wait there's no time to think like that I have to find Sebastian! "Sebastian where are you?"

"My lady! Is something wrong?" Asked Finnian when he came running in from out side the garden joined by Bard and Meyrin.

"Yes where is Sebastian."

"We don't know where he is exactly." Meyrin timidly said.

"Ya he has been kind of moody lately so we have been trying to avoid him." Said Bard scratching his head.

"Lady Ciel maybe we can help though." Said Finnian.

"Yes please just find Sebastian for me." I said. All three of them plus Tanaka left with a hurry to search the mansion. Finding him is not my only problem; no there is also Claude. How do you break a contract with a demon? If I could somehow get him to break it. Or maybe use it against him. Yes that would probably be the easiest.

I was looking around the manor when Claude suddenly appeared to me.

"Claude what are you doing here." He smirked.

"I could sense that you were troubled and I was quite worried when you were no where to be found last night." I snickered at this.

"Tsk. A demon, worried. Now that's unusual. What a thing for a demon to say."

"I only~"

"Are you so weak that you could not care for two masters?"

"What are you talking about my lady?"

"You killed Alois because you are incapable of fulfilling both contracts."

"No I. He. He wanted to never leave me."

"And how is eating his soul never leaving you? I'm no demon, but I figure it is a lot like how we humans eat. No matter what we will become hungry again. Were you not satisfied with Alois so the second you took his soul you moved on to mine? If that's the case then he already left you. If he left you then you have not followed his orders and if you did not follow orders then you broke the contract and if you broke the contract the Alois isn't really dead. Am I not wrong Claude." For the first time, I saw Claude looking baffled. "Answer me. I order you to not lie to me."

"Yes. Alois is still alive. I only took half of his soul because I could not kill him. Instead I put the rest of him in his ruby ring, which is with me now." He looked at with a combination of surprise, admiration, and a hint of disappointment.

"I order you to bring him back and actually fulfill and when you have done that... I am breaking the contract with you." He bowed to me.

"I understand, excuse me." After that he left. Well that turned out better than I thought. I smirked to myself. I could already start feeling my eye burning. It was like when I first got my contract with Sebastian, but much worse.

After about five minutes it was better, but I could suddenly feel another presence. Sebastian.

"Sebastian I order you to stay away." I said hoping he would get what I was doing. I turned around expecting to see Sebastian, but instead I felt soft lips crash down on mine.

"Forgive me my lady, but it seems that I have disobeyed orders." He smirked.

"Then it looks like our contract is compromised." I felt my eye becoming tingly. I ignored it because I was just so happy to see Sebastian again. "However I still don't completely forgive you. Why did you say that to me?"

"I didn't want you to get hurt." We sat down and drank some tea while Sebastian explained to me about Satan and Claude and how he has to prove to Satan that he didn't love me or I would have been killed along with him.

"I forgive you." I said as I kissed him lightly.

"It's time for you to get ready for bed." I looked out the window and noticed how dark it has already gotten.

We were in my room and he was already tucking me in for the night.

"You know you don't have to do this. You aren't my butler anymore." He kissed my forehead.

"But I want to." That night was the best night sleep I had gotten in my life. I had no worries and for the first time after my parent's death, I actually smiled.

Sebastian's POV

I watched as Ciel slept. She was smiling in her sleep. Finally...

Ciel's POV

I woke up with my curtains still shut so I had no way of telling what time it was. I didn't feel tired so I figured it was time to get up. I got dressed in a red and black dress and did my own hair. Since I am not very coordinated all I did was brush it. It was a little frizzy and frustrated e so I put on a headband that matched my dress. When I was ready I figured that I should just open my curtain.

"Why is it still dark out? What time is it?" I talked to myself. I suddenly heard my door open and figured that it was Sebastian who heard me getting ready so I just stared out the window. "Sebastian what time is it?" no answer. "Sebastian?" I was about to turn around when I felt a hand go over my mouth and my arms pinned behind my back. The hand that was over my mouth and nose was also holding a cloth to me. Oh no! This is the same stuff Lord Druett used on me! The last thing I saw was the full moon out side my window.

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