Chapter 26

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Ciel's POV

We were walking down a dark, but elegant hallway when we stopped at a door. I was now standing right in front of room 12. What horrid things lie beyond this door?

"R-Right, well here we are. Room 12," said Devein, Lucifer's servant. I was surprised when he didn't take out any keys to open the door. Wouldn't a dungeon have a lock so the prisoner wouldn't escape, or for any door for that matter? Time was slowing down and I could hear my heart beat in my head as the knob was slowly turned. When the door opened I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Before me stood an elegant red and black room themed. A giant king sized bed at one end of the room, a glamorous black wood wardrobe on the other side with a sitting place with a fireplace and a bookshelf. The walls were both red and a cream color. This was not what I was expecting at all. So that's why the servant was so surprised he probably did think that I was going to a dungeon.

"Get dressed and ready for dinner your dress is in the wardrobe." Said Devein and then he left closing the door in my face before I even got a word out. There was nothing else to do so I decided to get ready and dressed into a plain black puffy dress.

When I had finished getting ready I realized that it was still early for on how high the sun was.

Time skip

After over an hour of reading about demon's, reaper's, angel's and humans (Because that was all that was on the shelf.) I decided that I would try and go out of my room and search for a way out. First I decided to test my surrounding and make sure no one was out in the hallway so I knocked. When I didn't hear a reply I took that as no one was out there guarding the door. I was sure that Sebastian was looking for me by now and maybe he was already here. When I tried to turn the nob it wouldn't budge. What! But I saw he didn't use a key or anything! How can it be locked?

While I was still trying to get out when I started to hear footsteps coming my way. I hurriedly made my way back to the sitting area and pulled out a book that I was reading earlier.

"Dinner is ready" said Devein when he opened the door. "Please f-follow me." Great now I get to have dinner with the devil.

Sebastian's POV

"Ciel! Ciel! Where are you?" I called out nervously. Why is it that every single time I blink, I find that someone has taken Ciel! Claude I swear that if you have taken Ciel again I will take your demon sword and shove it up your -!

"Sebastian?" Finnian called out to me before I finished my thought.

"What!" I called, as I turned around annoyed to see him now. The look on his face was one of true terror and he went pale white.

"N-nothing I-I can handle it m-myself."

"I'm going out, make lunch and dinner yourselves."

"Y-yes sir." He said and then I was gone.

Time Skip

Alois's POV

Claude, tch! Even your name sickens me now, but Ciel, thank you. Knock! Knock

"Claude! Answer the door!"

"Yes, your highness."

"Tch. Don't call me that!"

"Forgive me."

"Whatever just go on and answer the door." He bowed and walked towards the door. When he opened it, a black mass tackled Claude and in an instant, they started fighting. The black mass was revealed to be Sebastian and I smirked.

"Sebastian, what are you doing here?" I asked curiously.

"Where is she?" Sebastian yelled.


"You know who I mean, I am not in the mood to play games right now!"

"What you mean Ciel?"

"Yes, who else?"

"I can assure you Sebastian that me and my master have not taken her, this time anyways." Said Claude.

"He's right," I said, "After what she did for me, I would never do something like that to her."

"Well if you never took her, then who did?" we pondered for a moment, well they pondered I just stared at them while they did it.

"Lucifer!" they both said in unison.


"The ruler of the under world." Said Sebastian.


"Satan..."said Claude.


"The devil?" said Sebastian.

"Did all these people take her?" They both face palmed. "What?"

"They are all the same people, just different names for one person." Said Claude

"OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH. So. What do we do?" I questioned.

"We go after her of course." Said Sebastian.

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