Chapter 19

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Sebastian's POV

It has been a whole day since Ciel left and I was really nervous. I knew that I shouldn't have gotten too attached to her. I made a contract with her and I cant revoke that... my mind wanders to the events that happened two days ago...

I was on my way to hell for a high demon council; we had these meetings once a year just to keep order. We all sat down in our rightful spots as Lucifer made his way in and sat at the head of the table. This time I noticed that Claude had chosen a seat directly across from me, usually we would have kept our distance from each other so I could tell from his actions that something was up.

The rest of the meeting continued on, as it should have until we came to the end when Claude spoke up.

"Your highness?"

"Yes Claude what is it?" Lucifer asked.

"I was just wondering, what would happen if a demon was too attached to a soul he made a contract with?" I tensed up, but careful not to let it show.

"Why? Have you become too attached to your current master?"

"No, of course not. After all it is against our law and is forbidden."

"Well you are correct there, but why don't you share the whole story? What are you holding back?" Claude smirked up art me and pushed his glasses back up his nose.

"I am afraid that our friend Sebastian here is a little too attached to his current master Ciel Phantomhive." Lucifer turned to me, a look of death written all over his face.

"Sebastian? Is what he said true?"

"Yes it is in a matter of fact." He was shocked. He thought that I would have denied it, which is exactly why I didn't.

"What is so special about that soul? Please tell I am very interested." He mocked.

"In all my years of being immortal, from before the very earth was born, I have never experienced a soul as pure as my lady's, yet she has gone through so much and experienced so much darkness. I find it rather fascinating. I am simply cultivating the perfect soul."

"Sebastian, it couldn't be... love? Is it?" for once in my life I didn't know what to say. Did I love Ciel? I didn't know, but my silence said it all. "Well mister Sebastian you know the rules don't you?" Our rules were harsh and unmerciful. If a demon should fall in love with a human, the human would be burned alive and the demon would be forced to watch. The demon would not be killed until the hundredth day after his or hers lovers death. During that time the demon would be put through intense torture day and night.

"Yes I know the rules, but I do not love her." I lied.

"Good, but I need you to prove me that though." He smirked. "If you can prove to me that you don't love her, then I will allow the both of you to live."

And that's why I had to do that to Ciel, I truly didn't want to see her be burned to death. I could feel something wrong in the air as I was sulking while tending to the manor.

"Ciel!" my contract was tingling and soon turned into a burning sensation. How could I have been so stupid? I knew where Ciel was; she was at the Trancy manor. I had quickly made my way over there and I saw Ciel in the garden with Claude so I hid in the bushes.

"So did you come to a decision?" Claude asked.

"Yes... yes I have."

"Well." I then beamed with jealousy as I saw Claude hold Ciel in an embrace.

"I will form a contract with you." My heart stopped when I heard those words come out of her mouth. I knew she was mad at me, but I never expected her to form a contract with Claude. I didn't know what to do. I was to still follow orders from her and I couldn't let her see me right now. I decided to walk back to the manor.

As I was walking through the woods, I could feel my demon side seeping out from me.

"Ciel. I will get you back."

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