Chapter 32

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I watched in awe as I saw Sebastian fight Lucifer, I could barely keep up with their lightning fast speed. All I saw were blurs flying through the air all around the room. Claude was fighting off every other demon besides the devil on his own, while Alois was standing in a corner cheering him on. I smirked and realized how no one was smart enough to realize that Alois was wide open for the kill, not that I wanted him to die. Actually, I want everyone to come out alive.

Captivated by all the fighting I didn't pay attention to anything else, but it was to late when I felt a hand cover my mouth and another restraining my arms. I was doing everything I could to get someone's attention, but nothing was working. Kicking my feet and trying to flail around didn't do anything because of my long puffy dress. I was being dragged all over the place and we were going through many different hallways, all of which I haven't seen yet. The person kept pulling me along farther and farther away from everyone until we finally reached a room.

The unknown entity pushed me down with great force, and for the first time I saw the face of my captor.


"Oh did I surprise you Ciel? Hm?"

"But how? I never expected this from you..."

"That's a shame, and I thought that you were smarter than that."

"Tch... So why did you bring me here?"

"Don't worry, I'm not after you."

"Good because you would have had to wait in line." I rolled my eyes thinking about everyone else in the ballroom.

"Unlike all of them, I am a true demon."

"I don't like to dally, cut to the chase Devein."

"Well aren't we persistent. Hmpf I guess I've got nothing to loose and we would have to wait for the rest of them to notice you're gone so that could take a while... fine I'll tell you, but only because you won't be able to do anything about it." I began to listen closely to Devein as he told me everything.

Devein's POV past

I hate my life. What's even worse is that it last forever...

"Mom I'm home!"

"Welcome back, did you and your sister get everything at the market."

"Well almost we ran out of money so I decided that I would get Alicia's new dress instead of getting my shirt mended."

"You have always been such a kind big brother, I'm sorry I couldn't get you that shirt you wanted and I'm sorry that you already have to work only at the age of fourteen hundred." (looks and basically is 14 in demon years) She starts crying.

"Mom stop your crying, it's going to be fine, I don't mind, really." That was a lie, I hate the idea of working for a human. Right then Alicia comes in twirling around in her cheap new black dress.

"Mamma! Mamma! Look what big brother bought me!" she cheered. As soon as she came in mom tried her best to stop crying.

"It's beautiful darling." The door then swung open to reveal my happy father.

"Guess who's home?" Dad exclaimed.

"Daddy!" Alicia then went to tackle our dad with a big hug.

"Hello baby cakes, do you know what I brought for you?"

"What is it?" she asked excitedly

"hmmm... Oh I know. Dinner!"

"That's right, I got the first half of dinner, your brother is going to get his first. Right Devein?" my dad smiled at me.

"Daddy you were gone so long this time, that contract you made took forever." Alicia pouted

"Come on Alicia, we need to go clean while mom and dad does the bills. First go and change."

"Aww but why?" she whined.

"Fine, but don't come crying to me when your new dress gets dirty." I smirked and walked off down our tiny hallway.

"Wait! I need to change first she called after me." She went up the old rotten stairway and into her room to change. I stood behind the opening of the hallway out of sight to everyone and ready to scare her when she comes down the stairs.

"So how bad was it this time?" I heard my mom ask my dad in a whisper.

"I'm not going to lie, it was pretty rough..." my dad replied matching her whisper.

"So... When do we have to send Devein out there?" she asked hesitantly.

"I think tonight... he might get lucky and make a contract for only one night."

"But if it ends up being years, I don't think I can stand that."

"I know, but what else can we do, we have the royal family on our tails. His highness keeps wanting us to pay him with more souls than ever before."

"How behind are we now?"

"A decades worth."

"Do... do you think w-we can catch up?"

"I don't know."

"I feel bad for involving Devein like this, he is still just a child. He doesn't need to work for those bloody humans and Satan."

"As much as I hate it, there are only two types of people in this hell hole, those who steal and those who are stolen from. (quoted from black butler)"

"I know... so should we tell him tonight?"

"No it would be best to do it now."

"Devein! Could you come down here please!"

"Sure mom!" I yelled back and made stomping noises on the ground so it sounded like I was coming down the stairs. "What is it?" though I already know...

"How do you feel about starting your soul hunting tonight." Tell the truth

"Really! You mean I can do what dad does? That sounds great!" I smile.

"That's good to hear, y-you really don't mind at all?" Tell the truth!

"No not at all"

"You're a good boy..." You're an idiot... and a liar.

My sister came running down the stairs just as I was leaving.

"Big brother where are you going?"

"I'm going where daddy goes." I put on a fake smile as my sister starts to tear up.

"No! I don't want you to leave for a long time like daddy!" she sobs. I hear my mother's cries as she watches us.

"Don't worry I'll be back, but you have to be good for mommy while I'm gone."

"D-Do you promise?" she whimpers.

"I promise, but you have to promise me something in return."

"What is it big brother?"

"Stay safe and be here when I come home... ok?" I fake smile once more."

"Okay I can promise that!" she exclaims with tears still streaming down her eyes. I wave and say my finale goodbyes to my parents and open the portal between our hell and the human world.

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