Surprise Ending

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The black haired demon, which I immediately recognized as Sebastian, was shoved into the room as well as Lucifer followed by Claude and Alois was shoving them all in the room.

"Finally you all came here you were all taking forever!" Devein shouted at them in annoyance. Before he could continue speaking Sebastian threw a demon dagger at him killing him instantly.

"Now to take care of the real problem," Sebastian started, "Ciel can you please tell these nitwits that I am the one you love!"

"That's ridiculous I'm the one that Ciel loves!" Alois quickly piped in probably not wanting to be left out.

"Highness I don't mean disrespect but doubtfully Ciel loves me." Claude commented.

"Are you kidding me? Ciel loves me! After all I am the one who can give her just about anything." Bragged Lucifer.

Before I knew it a full out verbal fight unfolded before me. Every one claiming that I loved him more than anyone else. Their voices boomed through the whole room and inside my head. My head was now pounding with their loud voices echoing inside.

"Hush!" I shouted. All the men were surprised at my sudden out burst.

"Don't any of you care what my feelings are?!" they all looked away ashamed of them selves and their actions.

"I'm sorry but I don't love any of you..." For some reason they seemed shocked by my hurtful words. "That's right but I'm sorry... I actually love... Grell?!!" All of the sudden Grell barged into the room out of nowhere.

"Grell!" I gasped excitedly as I leapt into his arms. He twirled me around happily.

"Ciel! How I've missed you so much." He said giving me a tight hug.

"I know don't even get me started I've felt so lovely without you."

"I'm so glad to hear that you love me too. I knew you would be smart enough to realize that I only flirted with Sebastian to make you jealous."

"Of course I could tell big red." I cooed.

"I would never doubt you for a moment my rose."

Everyone was dumbfounded and just gawked at us in an unbelieving state.

"Are. You. Kidding Me! You love that bastard over me!" all four of them shouted at once.

"But of course after all red is my favorite color and how can someone not love him?" I giggled.

"I certainly don't love him..." Sebastian pouted.

"Awe Sebby do you miss me already? Its Ok I always knew you loved me, but don't worry we can still be friends." Grell so sweetly comforted Sebastian.

"I never loved you!"

"Awe its ok there's no need to hide it any more just let it all out."

"Forget it..." Sebastian sulked.

"Well anyways its about time for Ciel and I to go on our honeymoon so BYEEEEEE" With that Grell picked me up bridal style and led me away to the Bahamas' where we would spend our honeymoon.

There stood four broken heart souls who just got blind-sided by a competitor they weren't even aware was in the race.

"Claude?" Alois started, "You still love me don't you?" and with that all that could be heard was a sigh from Claude as they made their way back to the human world.

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