Claude's and Alois's Ending

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"How pathetic. You actually thought that you would win." His fear turned to anger and he quickly turned on me. However he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a certain black haired demon break through the door.

I turned my head to see Claude and Alois standing at the door, or just Alois. Claude had already zoomed past me and was standing behind Devein with his hand through his chest. A moment past as I saw the life vanish from his eyes turning them dull.

"Yes! How about that Ciel I defeated Devein for you!" My attention was diverted towards Alois whom cheered happily.

"Um I'm pretty sure Claude was the one who actually defeated him." Ignoring me, Alois did an ole victory dance around Claude. I sighed at Alois's "victory" and turned my head back to Claude. "Thank you Claude for killing him."

"Yes thank you. Now I wont have to do the work myself" all our heads turned towards Lucifer who stood in the door way.

"If you think that my master and I are giving up Ciel so willingly you can forget it."

"Oh good I was in the mood for another fight."

"Great because you're going to get one!" Claude rushed towards Lucifer as fast as when he first barged in but stopped just before he ran him over.

However even though Lucifer's demon sword was drawn he wasn't moving. It was almost as if everything had gone into slow motion. Lucifer and Claude just stood there neither one of them advancing. I was confused until I realized the blood dribbling down Lucifer's mouth and rapidly gushing out of his stomach. But how?! When did he? How did he? Just what!?

Questions were racing through my mind as Lucifer quickly dropped to his knees and slowly fell forward flat on his face while crimson blood still oozed out of him from both places. When he fell, he revealed another demon behind him. His eyes had turned pink with a blood lust look in his eyes. The dagger he held in his hand was soaked with the blood of his own father.

Sebastian stood coolly over the body of his father while a sort of smirk rested on his lips. His light pink lips immediately turned red as he licked some of the blood off of the dagger.

"You may have had the demon sword father, but remember you gave me the demon blade centuries ago." He gave a light chuckle at his statement.

"S-Sebastian... are you... alright?" I stammered. I was at a loss for words when I saw what happened next. A black entity emanated out of Lucifer's body and traveled like a shadow over to Sebastian. The black 'thing' then latched itself onto him and was absorbed by Sebastian.

"Oh I'm better than alright." He smirked.

"What are you talking about?"

"You see when a demon kills someone of his own blood and consumes some of it, then the one that was killed gives up all his power to the killer. Even a drop is enough to gain every ounce of power out of your dead family member. Don't you get is Ciel? Now I can finally protect you with all of the power I have. I wont have to go chasing after you anymore."

"Sebastian you didn't..." Claude scowled, I was surprised he showed any emotion at all much less anger and a bit of concern. "I thought you were smarter than that."

"What do you mean?" I chimed.

"With as much power as Lucifer had acquired he was almost already at his limit. That combined with Sebastian's power equals an unfathomable amount, remember Sebastian was a lot more powerful than his father to begin with as well and his father_"

"Was already almost at his limit!" I finished. "Will Sebastian be able to withstand that much?" Claude didn't say a word after I had asked my question, but I didn't need him to say anything to me. I already knew the answer... "W-what will happen to him?" I hesitantly asked.

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