Elija's Ending

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Just as the black haired demon had entered the room my vision was fading to black. What is happening to me? What's going on? My vision that had suddenly gone completely black was now rapidly fading to white. Am I dying? How is that even possible? Did Devein kill me from behind? What a weird sensation I don't even feel pain my body is only a little tingly. After a second or two has passed I thought I started to hear voices.

"I'm sorry but she isn't showing any signs of waking up" said a deep male voice.

"But I know she will wake up soon" a familiar voice pleaded though I couldn't pin point who it was that was talking though I did know for sure that it was also a male but his voice wasn't as deep.

"I'm sorry t have to say this, but it has been three whole years since she has been like this. It is impossible to keep her living for forever." Is someone dying? My eyes were starting to adjust to the light and I could vaguely make out two shapes next to me in a white room. I had also took notice that I was in a bed lying on my back. I looked at my positioning and I noticed an IV was attached to my arm.

"Even if by magic she wakes up now, she has one hell of a wake up call with three years of her life gone and her parents dead." I turned my attention back to the voices and I could now clearly see who both of the people were. There was an older man wearing a white lab coat, which gave the impression that he was a doctor and standing next to him was Ellija.

"E-Ellija?" Both of their attention shot back to me.

"C-Ciel? Ciel! Oh thank goodness you are alright!" Ellija sobbed and ran over towards me and gave me the biggest hug he could. The doctor's expression held one of both bewilderment and satisfaction.

"Ellija get ahold of yourself. What's going on? Where is Sebastian and Devein?"

"Sebastian and Devein? Who are you talking about Ciel?" Ok I can understand Ellija not knowing Devein but Sebastian what is going on?

"Don't play dumb Ellija Sebastian is my butler" Ellija looked confused.

"Your only butler is Tanaka and he retired after the um..."

"The fire?" Shock replaced Ellija's once confused face.

"But how did you know about the fire you've been in a coma ever since that day three years ago?" I became white and started sweating with fear and nervousness.

"Wait what? That's not possible I was kidnapped by slave traders right after the fire because it was caused by them and then a demon named Sebastian found me and became my butler and we also got new servants and I met Alois Trancy and his demon butler Claude and I met Grell and Madame Red died at his hand and I became madly in love with Sebastian, but I got mad at him because he told me he didn't love me for my own protection and you told me to go to him and I did and we broke the contract between us so we could be together but Lucifer the devil kidnapped me and he fell in love with me and tried to marry me but Sebastian, Claude, and Alois all came to rescue me because they loved me as well and there was a huge fight between them and all the other demons and during the chaos Lucifer's servant Devein took me away and someone was about to walk into the room we were in but then my vision faded to black and then... and then I ended up here... how?" There were tears in my eyes threatening to leak out so I looked down trying not to make eye contact with Ellija.

This was when the doctor spoke up again. "It seems to me that since your brain has been exposed to too much pain and suffering that your brain was trying to mend itself putting you into a coma for three years. While your brain was mending its self you experienced constant and realistic dreams that you mistook for real memories." Tears were now streaming down my face.

"A-Are you telling me that everything that I have been through those past three years, getting branded, finding Sebastian, making a contract with him, Madame Red dying, getting kidnapped, and falling in love... was all just one big dream?" he only nods to me and Ellija has a sad look of pity on his face. Anger suddenly boiled inside me. I lifted up my shirt just past my stomach. "If that's true then why is there a brand on~" I looked at my stomach but... I didn't see my brand, which was the first time I actually wanted to see it.

"Ciel I am sorry that this is so hard for you" Ellija spoke up

"Yea... me too..."

Five years have passed and the day has finally come where I am to marry Ellija my fiancé soon to be husband in a couple of moments as I walk down the aisle. It was tough not having Sebastian or even Meyrin, Bard, Finny, Alois, or Claude around Tanaka came back to be my butler as soon as he heard that I was awake and I have accepted that three years of my life were nothing but dreams. I came to love Ellija and I think I could be happy with him but its not as much love as I had with Sebastian my one and only demon, but love all in all. I know Sebastian is just dream but I love him and I quickly found out that I could visit him and everyone in my dreams...

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