Chapter 31

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"Can I have this dance?" Lucifer asked me. No!

"Of course." I gave a fake smile to him. If he finds out about me escaping now then the boys would have came here for nothing. Lucifer pouted.

"I don't know why you are lying now when you haven't before."

"And that's what I get for trying to be nice, forget it. You would be the last person I would want to dance with." He smirked.

"Well then I think it's my turn considering you already danced with every other guy here." I started to grow annoyed but I kept my temper and made my way to the dance floor with him. The music started up again except this time no one else was dancing, they were all watching Lucifer and I.

He grasped me tightly as if I was going to get away and run from him. It was tight, but in a way also caring too.

"Why are you just now dancing?" I asked him.

"Because I felt like it."


"Because I wanted to."


"Just because. That's why and I am not playing that game with you."

"If you have never danced or hosted events like these, then why have you decided to now?"

"Because you are here and I wanted to do something different."

"Oh yes because destroying lives and sending humans to hell can get very boring" I said sarcastically. "Don't you hate it how people fear the devil."

"It does actually and to tell you the truth I don't want people to fear me."

"Really, because you seem very content with it."

"You caught me. I love it."

"Why am I here? I'm not scared of you and I know you only wanted me in the first place to lure your son here and kill us both." His griped tightened on my hand and waist.

"So you know he's my son."

"Yes and I also know that you have another son, but he isn't as powerful as you or Sebastian. In fact, Sebastian is stronger than you despite his older appearance which is why you want to kill him so badly because you think that he will overthrow you."

"How did you find out?"

"I collected information from various sources and pieced them together. It wasn't that hard really."

"Do you know anything else?"

"No. Why? Is there something that I should know?"


Time skip

That was officially the longest dance of my life. When the music died down as well as the roar of applause that came from the onlookers, I was about to make my way back to the sidelines when I felt a hand intertwine with mine. Lucifer dragged me to the top of the staircase by my hand. His grip was so strong I thought that my arm would come out of its socket.

"Everyone! May I have your attention!" What now...? "I would like to personally thank you all for coming here tonight in honor of our special guest." The whole room became quiet, even the music stopped. With all eyes on Lucifer he kept speaking. "Now I am sure that you are wondering why I have decided to throw this ball, when I have never thrown one before. I am now going to tell you why." The next moment he turned to me and got down on one knee and popped out an engagement ring. "Citciellia Phantomhive, Will you marry me?"

Whispers started circling around in the room and I just stood there dumbfounded not knowing what to say. Of course I don't want to marry you! Are you an idiot? But I can't just say that now, it might ruin everything.

"So will you?" he was determined to get a yes out of me.

"I-I uh..." Then out of nowhere we heard someone call out.

"No! That's not fair Ciel is going to marry me!" Everyone's eyes turned to a blonde boy with icy blue eyes.

"A-Alois?!" Whispers started to be heard from numerous demons and their eyes started glowing red.

"Another human? You know I thought I smelled another one, but I just thought that it was Ciel."

"How did he get here?"

"Who is he?"

"Do you think he has a contract already?"

Lucifer growled and it was clear that he was angry by this sudden out burst.

"You! Human! What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to-" he was cut off by Claude who wrapped a hand over his mouth to keep him from talking.

"Now Sebastian." Said Claude, and then out of nowhere Sebastian came at us with knives in his hand. Lucifer quickly pushed me back so I was out of Sebastian's reach.

"Restrain Claude and kill the human... Leave my son to me" ordered Lucifer.

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