Chapter 33

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Devein's POV

I hate this. I hate having to work for such a lowly creature as humans. What's worse is that I have to look for one to work for, if anything they should be begging me to work for them. Humans are nothing, I can kill them in a second and it's degrading to have to go work for one. I'm out here doing all the work for is majesty while he eat my dinner. At that moment I felt a tingling sensation that was pulling me towards an ally down in the streets of London.

An old fat man at the age of 50 was bleeding to death with a group of men laughing right next to him. I remembered what my dad had taught me and pulled up the summoning ceremony and turned into my black snake form.

"You have summoned me here... what is it that you desire?"

"What I desire? Who are you?"

"A demon, I should warn you that you will not be able to enter heaven if you choose to make a contract with me. Do you still wish to get what you want?"

"What I want... what I want is... I want to get revenge on everyone who ever defiled me and to make my company the best." lowlife

"Are you willing to achieve this at the cost of heaven and your soul?"

"Yes, I want to get all the money I can and rub it in my enemy's faces." pig

"Where would you like the contract symbol? The more noticeable it is the stronger our contract."

"Put it on the side of my forehead."

"Very well." I appeared to her in my human form and walked up to her still in the summoning ceremony. "And what will be my name?"

"Devile Evenant you will be my personal servant."

"Very well. When you want me to do something all you have to say is, Devile I order you to..."He nodded in response.


"Yes master." Within seconds they were dead and I had killed my first humans.

After a few more kills and convincing I had moved him out of the streets of London and into one of the more finer neighbor hoods with an increasing food company all within three years. Within these three horrible years I had been yelled at, beaten, and taken advantage of.

"Devile! Why are you such a small boy! It's been what twenty years since you have started working for me! You should grow!"

"Forgive me master it has only been three years and demons appearance age much less than a humans."

"Don't talk back to me! Maybe I can beat the puberty into you and you should learn some respect." He threw me on the ground and started to kick me repeatedly, it didn't hurt, but it was so disgraceful that I felt pain.

"You work for me you should be grateful for that!"

"I am, thank you master."

"Now bring me my dinner, my guest do not deserve my presence while they eat."

"Yes master"

"And Devile, remember what I said. You. Work. For. ME..."

"Yes master, I remember."

"No go and bring me the two prostitutes we found on the street earlier after my dinner, they will be my dessert." He gave an evilly disgusting perverted face. How disgusting. I got up and bowed then left to go get the already made dinner. How long must it go on... has he forgotten that he is in the position that he is in only because of me?! Without me he would be nothing! Without me he would be dead by now! Well, with me he is as good as dead. I smirked to myself, but quickly took it off when I opened back up the door to his studies. After that I brought him his dessert and continued on with attending to his manor.

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