Chapter 30

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"A-Alois?" I panted.

"Surprised? Don't worry I came to rescue you." He beamed. What is he going to be able to do? There's no way in hell he will be able to do anything against all these demons and the devil. Where's Sebastian or Claude even?

"Y-yea, that's... great" I lied. "Where are Sebastian and Claude or even Hannah and the triplets?"

"Well Hannah and the triplets were too worthless to bring, but Claude and Sebastian are here."

"Ok... but where?"

"Oh... I don't know."

"What." I had to contain myself so we wouldn't be heard.

"Ya, I went my own way because I wanted to be the one to save you and now I did."

"And how are we going to get out of here?"

"Hmmm... I don't know? Make the plan up as we go I guess." I face palmed.

"Just keep a low profile until I find Claude and Sebastian."

"Wait what? Don't leave!"

"Look is that thing again!" I said and pointed behind him swiftly making my way back to the dance floor."

"What thing I don't see a... Ciel?"

Another demon tapped my shoulder asking for a dance. I accepted because I figured that it would be the best way to find either Sebastian or Claude. I danced with several guys and I think it's been over an hour since I last saw Alois. I really hope he didn't get caught. My worries were interrupted my stomach growling. Shhhh! I mentally scorned my self and every demon. Just because they don't need to eat doesn't mean that I can go on without food. I haven't eaten in about two days now, but I have been too preoccupied with getting out of this hellhole to notice how hungry I was.

I excused my self from my dance partner and made my way to the staircase to find Devein and ask if he had some food. I just spotted him when a group of girl demons asked me to come over to them.

"Excuse me Citciellia was it?" Asked a red headed girl in a blood red dress to match her hair.

"Yes? What is it?"

"I just wanted to meet the infamous mortal." She said in an almost sarcastic tone with fake admiration.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, you see it's hard to believe that his highness hasn't killed you yet. Do you know why?"

"Tch. Why don't you go ask him yourself?"

"You really don't know? Well this ball is all for you."

"Yes he told me that."

"Stop playing dumb. How did a little human like you get his highness."

"I assure you I have no idea what you're talking about. Now if you can excuse me." Right after I said that my stomach growled and she and two other girls started laughing.

"See a human." I turned back around to her and smirked.

"My last meal was only two days ago. I'm guessing yours was about five years ago considering how hungry you look." I lifted my thumb up and pressed it against my tooth just hard enough for it to draw a little blood. I let a drop fall on the floor as I watched her look at me like she was in pain. Her eyes glowed and she and her friends were clenching their hands so tightly just trying to contain themselves. "My point exactly. Now be careful you don't want to embarrass your selves in front of all these people now do you." I licked the rest of the blood just to make it even more painful for them, and then I left to go find Devein.

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