Chapter 9

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I had woken up in the middle of the night seeing the moons and the stars outside my window. It's still nighttime huh? Well I feel wide-awake why not go take a walk in the garden until dawn. Still in my nightdress I begin to walk down the dark corridors of the Trancy manor. I was going to go to the garden, but I made a wrong turn and I found myself in a completely different corridor. I should probably try to find my way back again. After trying to retrace my steps I found my self... in the wrong room again, but this one had a piano.

I made my way over to the grand piano tracing my hand over the dusty keys. It's been so long since I've played. I wonder if I still remember how. I quickly searched through my memory for a song I knew how to play. Grenade by Bruno mars! Taking my seat on the bench, I closed my eyes and began to play and sing quietly.

"Easy come, easy go

That's just how you live, oh

Take, take, take it all

But you never give

Should've known you was trouble

From the first kiss

Had you eyes wide open

Why were they open?

Gave you all I had

And you tossed it in the trash

You tossed it in the the trash, you did

To give me all your love is all I ever asked

Cause what you don't understand is

I'd catch a grenade for you

Throw my hand on a blade for you

I'd jump in front of a train for you

You know I'd do anything for you

Oh I would go through all this pain

Take a bullet straight through my brain

Yes, I would die for you baby

But you won't do the same

No, no, no, no"

"B-!" I was suddenly interrupted by the door being opened. I turned to see Sebastian standing in the doorframe smirking

"What are you doing in here so early in the morning my lady? Don't you know what time it is?" I starred blankly at him feeling my face getting red knowing he heard me play and sing

"I-i-i-I um um n-no" I said flustered.

"Well it's four in the morning. My lady should be getting her beauty sleep right now, not playing the piano." He sighed "My it amuses me to see how child like you can be sometimes."

"I am not a child!" He smirked and made his way over to where I was sitting on the bench next to the piano.

"I know. You have been through far too many things for you to be a child anymore." I blushed at how close he was getting and looked down at the ground. He lifted my chin up with his hand so I would have to look at him in the eye. " No you have grown into a beautiful young lady Ciel." I turned even redder as he cooed those words to me so softly. We were inching closer to each other until our lips touched. A thousand things ran through my mind at that exact moment. He's a demon why am I not pushing him away? I hate him don't I? I thought that he hated me as well? I thought that I was just another soul to him? Why do I care about this anyways all I want is revenge? Yes that should be all that I want? But why am I enjoying this? Why am I melting into the kiss? I should hate him. Please just make it stop. I shouldn't be feeling this. Especially not towards him! Just Stop! As I though that a tear rolled down my cheek and I wrapped my arms around Sebastian's head deepening the kiss. He was shocked at first, but then wrapped his arms around my waist.

He must have felt the tear that leaked out of my eye because he soon let me out of his embrace.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" he wiped the tear from my eye and gave me a half smile.

"No, but its late and you should be in bed asleep." I was about to protest when a yawn escaped through my mouth. "Now what kind of butler would I be if I let my lady stay up any longer?" I hadn't noticed that he picked me up and started to carry me to my room bridal style.

"One hell of one." I said sleepily as I dozed off in his arms.

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