Chapter 12

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After two hours of me stepping on Sebastian's foot while he twirls me around, we finally finished our so-called dance lesson.

"Your natural ability for dancing isn't so much lacking as it is non existent my lady." Sebastian said after the lesson.

"Your too tall! Of course it's not going to work!"

"But more importantly you need to wipe off that gloomy look off of your face, the man will take it as an insult. Now then, let's see a smile." He said as he was pinching my cheeks.

"Let me GO!"


"I can't smile... I forgot how." I fumbled with my ring as all of my dark memories returned to me. It was like I was reliving them over and over inside my head, never being able to stop.

"I don't know how to pretend like I'm having fun... Not anymore."

Dressed in a blue luxurious ball gown with my hair done the way I liked it, I made my way downstairs where I saw my ballroom filled with frilly, and cutesy decorations and Ellija trying to take off Mery Rin's glasses.

"Leave her alone." I declared as I made my way downstairs.

"Ceil!" his face lit up "You look adorable!" He ran up to me and started to spin me around. "That outfit is absolutely perfect!" Finally he stopped when he saw my ring. He gave me a creepy look and said, "Ciel, why aren't you wearing the ring I bought for you? It matches your clothing perfectly! Now where did it go?"

"The ring I already have on will work." He went into some kind of childish fit.

"No! I went through so much trouble and that ring isn't cute at all!" Then he fell to his knees crying like a baby. We went from a child to a baby. "Why wouldn't you wear the ring that I picked out special for you?! You're so cruel! I just wanted everything to be special tonight.

"Ellija this ring is-" I was cut off by him taking I off my thumb.

"Ha! Fooled you! Now this ring is mine now!"

"Elli." I growled.

"This is far too big for your delicate fingers, the one I bought will fit perfectly. Just put it on a-"

"Give it back!" He starred at me dumbfounded. "Give me that ring now Ellija." I said as sternly as I could.

"But, why are you so angry at me? I just... wanted." I was now glaring at him. Just give me my ring Ellija!!! "I just wanted to make everything look adorable that's all. S-so why are you so angry! I hate this ring! Take it!" And just like that... he smashed it on the ground as hard as he could. My ring, my only heirloom from the generations of the Phantomhive family... was destroyed. I was so overcome with emotions, that I ran up to him ready to strike. Sebastian stopped my hand right before it made contact with Ellija's face.

"My lady, you forgot the walking stick you had gotten for Ellija, that we went through so much trouble to get." I dropped it when he handed it over to me and starred at Ellija breathing heavily trying to keep myself under control. "Forgive my mistress master Ellija, but that ring was something special to her, it's a precious heirloom passed down to the head of the Phantomhive family and she's grown quite attatched to it. It truly is one of a kind, please try to understand why this upset her."

"It it was that important? And I destroyed it."Ellija said with tears streaming down his face. I picked up the ring and looked at it. There was no fixing it. It was destroyed, so I made my way over to the window. "Please Ciel I'm" and threw it out. "Ciel wait! What are you doing!"

"It doesn't matter, its nothing but an old ring after all. Even without it. I'm still head of the Phantomhives and that wont change." I made my way over to Ellija who was crying even harder. "What are you doing, how much longer are you going to stand there crying?" I wiped his face up with my hankerchief. "Now care to dance?"

"C-Ciel! Really!" his face instantly lit up like a light bulb.

Sebastian played the violin while Grell sang operah and I managed to dance throughout the whole night not stepping on his feet until it was time for him to go. Grell said his goodbye's to us and said that he will make sure that Ellija will get home safely.

"It's finally over, what a horrid day it has been." I said getting into bed.

"You seemed to be enjoying yourself there for a while my lady."

"Don't be so foolish." I said trying to take off my ring, but i remembered it wasn't there and Ellija destroyed it.

"Ami I the fool? I know the importance of this ring, but yet you put on that act for master Ellija." Sebastian said as he put the ring on my thumb, completely intact like it was never broken in the first place. I just starred dumbly at him in shock. "If I couldn't do this much for my young mistress, then what kind of butler would I be? But you should take care, it is precious I see, it has seen so much."

"That is true, it's always there. This ring has seen the death of many generations. My grandfather's, my father's, and eventually this ring will see my own death as well. It has heard the dying screams of the Phantomhive family for generations. When I close my eyes I can hear them too, voices echoing in my head. If I throw the ring away I won't have to listen to them screaming anymore, at least that is what I believed. Ridiculous, yes?

"My, look how high the moon has risen. You must get some rest my lady, you don't wan to make yourself ill do you?" before he could leave my room I called out to him,

"Sebastian? Stay with me, till I fall asleep."

"Goodness, are you displaying weakness in front of me now?" he smirked and made his way over to me as I turned around in my bed so I wouldn't face him.

"It's just a simple order."

"I will stay here, I am by your side forever master, until the end."

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