Chapter 17

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I was in my room alone starring at my contract eye as I recalled my memories of what happened this evening.

"Will you accept my offer love?" said Claude smirking. This is the first time in which I really had to think things over. This was something in which I could not answer right away.

"Claude?" I spoke up, my face tinted pink at how close our faces were to each other.

"Yes, my lovely?"

"Could I get back to you later on this? I am unable to come up with an answer at this time. I will come up with one by this time tomorrow." He leaned closer, his lip barely brushing up on my ear.

"Of course, take all the time you need." The movement of his lips against my ear and his smooth silky voice sent shivers down my spine and made my face bright red. Unable to speak I just nodded in response. He kissed my cheek lightly and started walking to the door.

"Claude?" he paused before opening the door.


"Thank you." He gave a genuine smile and bowed.

"The pleasure is mine, my lady."

Would it really be right for me to make a contract with Claude? If I did would the contract I made with Sebastian go away? Am I even aloud to have two contracts with two demons? In the short run I don't have Sebastian around and I'm staying at the Trancy manor. Oh that's right Claude already has a master, how would that work? Claude would make a fine butler for me in the short run, but in the long run there are still things unknown. Would I see Sebastian anytime soon? I did give him an order to stay away from me and I have no desire in erasing that order any time soon. I think I will- My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

A girl maid with light purple hair opened up the door.

"Excuse me lady Phantomhive, my name is Hannah and I have been given orders to be your personal maid for your stay."

"Ok thank you. I need nothing right this moment, but I will need a night dress for tonight and please come get me when dinner is ready."

"Yes my lady" she bowed and left.

Hannah came and got me ready for dinner and I made my way downstairs to the dining hall.

"Hello Ciel! You look lovely." A smirking Alois greeted me.

"Hello Alois, and thank you." I made my way to a seat next to his.

"So Ciel, now that you are once again staying at my manor, would you tell me the reason for you doing so, not that I mind you here of course."

"There is no need to tell you."

"There is if you are staying here." I sighed, obviously annoyed.

"Well I was thinking about what you said last time I was here, about how we made a deal that I would stay here for week. I have not completed the deal nor have we agreed on anything covering our companies. So I have come back to complete my side of our deal."


"And your side of the deal is to let me stay here for the rest of the week, which is 4 days. You can live with that right?"

"What about Sebastian?" I tensed at his name trying not to show it.

"What about him?"

"Why is he not with you?"

"The deal was that I would stay here."

"Actually, you said that wile you stay here, your butler would accompany you."

"Yes, well at my currant situation I do not see him as a butler." My voice quickened its pace and the tone got slightly stern, turning over to my defensive side.

"And why is that?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Why won't you answer this one?"

"Because I am under no obligation to do so." I said my voice clearly stern now.

"Dinner is served." Said Claude as he came in with two plates. Silence and the clanking of the fork and knife overcame the dinning room as Alois and I ate.

After dinner Hannah came into my room and got me ready for bed. I laid there quietly in my bed thinking to myself. My thoughts still stuck on my decision for Claude's offer. Would it defile my contract with Sebastian if I took up Claude's offer? Did he already defile our contract by lying to me? Damn him. I will tell Claude my decision tomorrow... I soon drifted into a deep sleep.

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