Chapter 18

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I had woken up about an hour ago and already have eaten breakfast with a cheery Alois, and now I was in their garden thinking to my self when Claude approached me.

"Hello lady Ciel is there anything I could get you."

"No not at this moment, but can I ask you something?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Can a demon have two contracts with different people?" he smirked at my question.

"And why would you need to know that?"

"Well I'm still considering your offer and I would like to know all of my boundaries."

"The answer is yes, a demon can contain multiple contracts just as long as they aren't broken."

"What were his first orders he gave you, what did Alois want from you?"

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that I can't say." I sighed. I'm not going to get much out of him.

"I will give you an answer, tonight, same spot."

"I will wait with enthusiasm my lady."

I made my way back to the Trancy manor. Not knowing what to do in my spare time, I thought that I would explore the manor and learn my way around it for future references. I found my self in a completely different corridor, in a room with three purple haired triplets whispering to each other.

"Well... What is it?" I questioned. No answer. "Come on you don't need to whisper." They just looked at me expressionless then went right back to whispering. "Just spit it out. What is it?" Just when I was about to leave in frustration, one of them held up a sign.

The master told us not to talk.

"Well that's him not me. Just don't talk around him then." They started to whisper then they caught them selves and actually spoke up.

"Mrs. Phantomhive is actually quite nice."

"Quite nice indeed."

"The total opposite of our master." I blushed. They're talking about me like I'm not even here. Don't they realize that I'm standing directly in front of them?

"I heard that Claude is going to be your butler is that correct?"

"Isn't one butler enough?"

"If I were as rich as her I would definitely have more than one butler."

"Unfortunately I can not rid my self of Sebastian completely, but I can align him in a different position of work. Right now he is to take care of my manor while I am away."

"Sticky position she must be in."

"What do you think he did to make her so mad?"

"Do you think he raped her?"


"Why did she get so mad?"

"Maybe she is like Alois."

"No she is still way better than him by a mile." I liked it better when they were whispering.

"You know I can still hear you? I'm leaving"

"Bye" they all said in unison. I looked outside the window once I left the room and I saw how late it had gotten. It was already dark out and the moon was pretty high. It really took longer than I thought to walk around the manor, I better get outside to Claude.

I made my way over to Claude.

"Sorry I'm late, I just lost track of time."

"No problem, so... did you come to a decision?"

"...Yes, yes I have."

"Well?" he cupped my cheek with one hand and with the other, he wrapped it around my waist to close the space between us."

"I will form a contract with you."

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