Chapter 27

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Ciel's POV

This place is pretty big. I would have a hard time getting out on my own, plus even if I get out, I don't know where I am exactly. I could be in a different dimension for all I know... Devein was leading me down the hallway to the dinning room where Satan was waiting for me. Walking down the corridor I took careful notice of any details that might tell me where I am and tried to map out the corridor in my head.

"We're here." Said Devein and right before he knocked on the door, he spoke up again, "Look I know that I'm not supposed to help you, but you remind me of someone important to me so I will give you some advice." He whispered to me. I nodded my head in response. "Don't speak unless he asks you a question, always refer to him as your highness, never look at him directly in the eye he will take that as a challenge and above all... agree with EVERYTHING he say's. Got that?"

"I think so."

"Well, good luck." I nodded my head in agreement. He then proceeded to knock on the door. Seconds later a voice could be heard from behind it.

"Come in," it said. I walked in keeping my head low and eyes to the ground until I found my seat. "Sit," he said and I did. "Hello Ciel, I would like to welcome you to my palace. Please do enjoy your food and your stay here." I could tell from the tone in his voice that he was smirking.

"What do you think of it? Hm? I have eight different hallways just from here to your room, which I do hope that you like by the way. That and your"


"What was that?"

"You have seven different corridors from my room to here, not eight." I lifted my head and glared at him in the eyes. He frowned. I looked over at Devein in the corner and his mouth dropped with shock.

"Well aren't you spritely tonight. You know I like lively young girls like you."

"Sorry Lucifer, but I have no interest in being with you what so ever." His eyes widened in shock, but before he could say anything dinner was brought out to us.

He cleared his throat and then started to speak again, "Well it's obvious that you don't like to play games Ciel, so"

I cut him off again, "On the contrary, I rather like games, especially chess. A king goes and tries to capture another king. He uses his pons and they are at his disposal. It does not matter if they die just as long as the king remains. For only the king can give the final blow." He starred at me, wide eyed. "Now if you excuse me, I am finished."

A servant then came and took away my empty plate while I made my own way back to my room.

Lucifer's POV

This girl has defiled me, my name, my kingdom, all for which I stand for, and yet. I am not mad, but rather... pleased by her behavior tonight. I wish for her to be mine.

Devein's POV

That idiot! If she wasn't going to die before, she is definitely going to die now. And after all I did to try and help her. Alicia, I'm sorry I couldn't save you again...

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