Chapter 15

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A week has passed since we solved the Jack the Ripper case and it turned out to be Grell and Madame Red. On the same night we found out who it was, we also lost my aunt in the process. I however don't regret anything, over all she was nothing more than a pawn in my game, even if she was flesh and blood.

"Sebastian. Where are you?" I was in my study in need of some tea, but Sebastian didn't come. "I thought that demons didn't brake promises, he's suppose to serve me until I get my revenge and he eats my soul." I thought out loud. A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts and Sebastian came in with a sullen look on his face. I pretended not to notice.

"Where have you been? I called for you twice."

"Forgive me mistress, I was running an errand."

"You could have told me before you had left. And for" I was cut off by Sebastian.

"I can't love you."


"I'm a demon. You're a human and... my prey."

"So, what has that got to do with anything?"

"I won't love you." His eyes were glowing red. " How could a demon that posses no emotion at all, love a mere human?"

"Then what was with all those times when you kissed me?" Why do I feel like crying right now? I shouldn't care what anyone thinks of me. I'm so mad, but yet I'm so sad and confused.

"That was nothing more, but to make your soul even better."

"And what about this. Why are you telling me this now!"

"For the same reason."

"Go..." I said barely audible even to me.

"Sorry what was that?"

"LEAVE SEBASTIAN! I order you to not come near me for the time being."

"Yes. My lady..." he bowed and left. I turned around to my desk and slammed my hand on it as hard as I could. Over come with anger, sadness, and confusion tears started to spill out of me. T-this is the first time I have cried ever since that day. I hate it. I hate this feeling. I hate love. I hate demons. I hate him!

"I hate you Sebastian..." I sobbed. I think I need to get away. I know I will regret this later, but I think I need to see Ellija or even Alois and Claude, but this time... without him.

Time Skip

How did I end up here? I know I'm going to regret this later... For some reason I chose to go to the Trancy manor and now I stand here in front of their front door, but this time... without Sebastian.

"Well, here goes nothing." Right when I was about to knock, the door opened with Claude at the entrance.

"Oh, Ciel, for what do I owe this pleasure to?

"May I come in?" I state instead of asking.

"But of course." He knows something is up. Please don't ask, please don't ask!

"Claude! Who's here? I did not agree to have guests over today." Alois whined coming down the stairs. I just stepped inside ignoring his comment. This is what you get for staying over night uninvited. "Oh Ciel it's you."

"Hello Alois."

"Aw Ciel did you miss me?" he teased.

"Do I have to answer?"

"No, but you have to finish your week up here like you promised."

"Deal." Good now I don't have to ask to stay here.

"Um Ciel, if you don't mind me asking, but what's wrong?" Claude spoke up.

"Claude what do you mean she looks just fine to me."

"If I may point something out, your highness, but, there appears to be someone missing." Claude smirked.

"Oh your right! Ciel why isn't Sebastian here?"

"Do I have to justify my actions to you?"

"So you ordered him to stay away..." said Claude his smile getting bigger.

"I! I-I did..."

"What why?" asked Alois.

"I don't want to talk about it." A tear found it's way out.

"Oh come on Ciel, you can tell me."

"I said I don't want to talk about it! I'm going to the same room where I was before." I rapidly left the room and up the stairs so I wouldn't have to look at either of them in the eyes.

Claude's POV

What happened with Sebastian? Could this be my chance? I need to get her fast before she goes back to Sebastian or to my master. Could this have something to do with the high council? Well this is what happens when a demon gets too attached to a soul. Who could blame him though? She had seen death and gone through so much darkness, but yet, her soul is pure.

Alois's POV

"Hmph, this might be fun." I saw that, but I'm actually kind of worried.

"Sebastian's POV


"Meyrin? What on earth... What are all these bubbles?!" the laundry room was now a sea of bubbles.

"I followed the instructions on the detergent exactly! Put XXX (30) spoonfuls in, but it went all weeeeeeird."

"Meilin. That isn't 30, its three."

"EH!!?" I've heard that in society, the image of a clumsy maid commands a certain amount of charm, but I cannot possibly understand why. (Nor do I wish to.) I feel the slight urge to commit a murder. Just when I was about to go back to work... BOOOOM! I heard a loud explosion coming from the kitchen.

"What is it this time?!"

"I thought that I would speed up the cooking with this blow torch..."Cooking cannot be done with a blow torch. If you cant cook without a blow torch, then I think it would be best if you turn to ash as well.


"This time... it's you, is it..." I looked down to see a sobbing Finny clutching my body for dear life.

"UWAAAAH, MR. SEBASTIAAAAAAAN!!" are you a baby?

"If your crying, I won't be able to under stand you. What's wrong?


"I thought you were supposed to trim the branches but... This lawn is..." ruined. The trees are dead with all the leaves off of them.

"UWAAAH, I'm so sorry! I forgot that I switched up the weed killer with the water."

"How do you mix those up?" I am now remembering what it is like to be very deeply angry.

Well now that this is all cleaned up, I should probably go wake my lady up.

"Oh right, she had told me to stay away..."

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