Just like that.

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@ Hospital ..

It was 3 in the morning and I was here with my kids, Misha, Nephew, Andre, Ramone, My Parents, My uncles and my little sister. It was so silent, everyone was just watching him lay there helplessly in awe. I couldn't look at him, just couldn't bring myself to it. Misha & Mum wouldn't stop sniffling. I had to take care of all the kids. Mally was asleep in his pushchair next to me and so were my kids. I just had a lot on my mind.

Who was Azeria talking about?

"Blue take The girls and the kids home.." Dad said.

"I'm not leaving him!" Misha cried.

"I'm not going anywhere Jon, can't you see our baby? He's so helpless." Mum cried.

"Are you gonna make him better?" He asked.

"But -"

"But nothing. You're going." He said. "You too Misha, you crying isn't gonna make anything better."

Within half an hour later we were at home,I still haven't said a word. Everything is so overwhelming. The last thing Azeria said to me was 'he's coming'. Then she cut off. I didn't even have the energy to process all the chaotic events in my brain. When I entered my yard, I took all the kids up to my room cause my Blue told me too & he stayed downstairs sorting out the women.

I got the kids comfortable enough to sleep nicely then I picked up my phone that I left on the side.

8 missed calls from Andre
11 missed calls from Aiden.
4 missed calls from Sian.

Where's Sian?

I texted here real quick: where you?
Then I texted Azeria: who's been hitting you Ri? 😡

Azeria ☁️.

If I had called Andre, Ramone, Mitchell.. Etc. I woulda got in trouble for having a boyfriend. I was confused so I called Tahera, he heard me making the phone call. I'm so scared cause now, he's not letting me go anywhere. Argh I've got myself into some deep shit.

It all started in the summer holiday at the under 18s rave and I was dancing like nobody's business, he came behind me and was controlling like a pro 😄. After the party we swapped numbers and he claimed me but we never went out until like Christmas times when I came back from France. I thought it would be nice to have a boyfriend out of ends but now he lives near Tahera's old house cause he moved. Throughout the relationship I've realised that he's really overprotective and possessive of me & from a month ago he's been hitting me. I shoulda told everyone about him so I wouldn't be in this situation.

"He's coming." I whispered locking off.

"Who was you on the phone too?" He asked slowly opening the cleaning cupboard door,"And why the fuck you in here?" He asked yanking me out making my phone drop in the process.

"Jamal please." I begged.

"You didn't answer my question."

"I -It was my cousin." I stuttered.

"What were you saying to her." He gritted slamming the cupboard door. "Huh?!" He shouted making me jump.

"I was jus checking on h- ."



I was on the ground crying my eyes out whilst holding my face. He started kicking me everywhere.

"How. Many. Times. Do. I. Have. To. Tell. You. Not. To. Fucking. Lie. " He snarled between each kick.

"Jamal please!" I cried.

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