Gotta feeling.

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I woke up like.. 1 and a half hours ago and I was watching T.V with my mum. The real husbands of Hollywood, mum has definately gotten biggrr and she eats these wierd things like cauliflower cheese and jam on a slice of bread with an omlette and wotsits on top. That nastiness makes me cringe and right now she had 3 slices of that on a plate.

"You coming food shopping with me Tahera?" Mum asked after she just demolished a slice of her bread

"Im going to my boyfriends house" I lied

"You dont have a choice lil girl. Who is he?" She asked with a raised eyebrow

"Kunta" I replied


"Fine... Kuntakenté" I joked

"Ight kl. Christmas soon come" She shrugged

"You dont even know him and he dont go to my school." I shrugged

"I still want a name"

"Keivontae" I said the first name that pop up in my head cause the name was buff

"Urgh" She saud screwing up her face,"Come lets go" She said getting up. I was wearing leggings and a blue jumper; I put my uggs on and left with mummy.


We had just finished shopping and we were in McDonalds drive-thru. The man asked us what we wanted.

"Can I get a plain cheese burger happy meal with a banana milshake, chicken mayo sandwich meal without the mayo and a fanta, plain double cheese burger with large fries, 2 apple pies, Twix and Crunchie McFlurry, onion rings and a strawberry and banana smoothie, a chocolate muffin and a water please" My mum said

"Is that all?" The man asked

"Tahera, what do you want?" She asked. I looked at her in shock,"Hurry up nuh man" She fussed

"Sweet chilli chicken wrap and a Twix McFlurry" I said. She told the man and then she drove on to pay.

When we got all the food mum was demolishing them fries, she is so fat! We got home and mum parked and ate some more.

"Get Rhileigh and your dad to help you with the shopping" She ordered. I just took mums phone and Whatsapp'd the message while I ate my food. They were taking kinda long and by the time the came out I had finished. I put my stuff in the bin and help put shopping away. Dad was now in the car with mum leaving me and Rhileigh. Still not talking to him.

I unpacked the fridge things and Rhileigh was watching me, I could feel his stare.


"What" I replied plainly

"Im sorry"


"Im being serious. I didn't mean to hurt you"

"But you did" I replied shutting the fridge and unpacking cupboard stuff

"Im sorry okay! Your my lil sister, I love you and Im suppose to look after you"


"Reply properly man" He said kissing his teeth


"You haven't spoken to me in days Tahera."

"You punched my arms up. My boyfriend couldnt even hug me properly or any of my friends" I exclaimed. I saw his jaw clench and his nostrils flare and he kept silent for a while

"I dont. Care about him. Im sorry"

"I heard you!"

"Okay! Do you forgive me?" He asked

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