Old times - part 2

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Aiden's Interview:

"Aiden, welcome to the interview. Have a seat."

"Yeahhh, alla thaaat."

"I'm just gonna jump right to it, no wasting time and when you're done you can go back to pissing people off." I mumbled.


"Huh?" ... "Anyways, first question. Chante_patrice asks: why you with this new girl and do you have the std that Tereke's friend was talking about on someone's phone a couple chapters back ."

"Why am I with this new girl? Lol is she the only one tho? Single life gets boring for me and Tahera really held me down but since she's gone.. Can't find anyone like her tbh so I be jumping on to different girls. Ahhh, the std message was on my phone, I got checked out... I was clean as a whistle b. My dicks magical. Next."

"Okay... SauceyTati has a couple questions actually. First one: Watchu saying bro?"

"Lol, next."

"Why you ain't treating Tahera right?"

"I treated her like an Angel hence why she loved me off but it's just the loyalty.. If you mean now? She ain't my responsibility. Did you not read her and my darg are doing a ting kmt. Next question."

"Okay but stop all this next question — demanding business yeah. It's my interview. Next question: why you going out with other people instead of being there for your children and baby mama?"

"We ain't together no more so we co-parent. Co-parenting, meaning I'm not with my KIDS all the time, like I said, Tahera ain't my responsibility like anymore. What you you want me to do? Bring them on my back everywhere I go?"

"Why you say it like that?"

"Say what?"

"You have an attitude when you answer something about Tahera. You're bare hurt." Lol


"@LydiaAlabi asks: tell me why you're such a prick?"

"Shut the fuck up, that's why."

"stampz has a few questions as well. First, do you you still love Tahera?"

"Yeah.. I ain't loved no other girl like her. She had my kids, I took her virginity, she looked after me. Alla that."

"So why are you cheating on her you dick'ed? Where's the logic? Then you downgrade to some dusty ass girl mate. Wah do yuh pickney?"

"Ayy is that stampz' next question?"

"No, it's my fucking question."

"WELL.. I'll answer that one last."

"Next, why are you such a bad dad?"

"Hold the fuck up. Nobody can tell me I'm a bad dad. First of fucking all, I gave them life yeah. I do shit for them allllll the time & I get them tings, but what can I really get multi-billionaire babies? They got more money than me! How am I a bad dad though? I wanna fucking know cause I do my bit. Just because I'm out with my ting and the babies, don't mean I'm a bad dad. It means Tahera's gonna be fucking pissed. So don't everrrrrrrrr call me a bad dad."

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