Pressures of reality.

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I've been looking at my phone for daysss. I don't even know if I should call my dad. I guess I do want my family/ A family. But it doesn't just work like that, I'm just gonna make everything awkward. I don't belong but then again it's where I'm supposed to be.

"Ay man, you good?" Makai asked. "Past couple days you've been moving anti."

"Not even bro. I'm just thinking." I sighed leaning back on the bed.

"Bout your family." He said pausing the game looking at me.

Family , anyone can make a family whether its biological or not. There's just certain factors that make up a family.

"Yeah but they're not really my family though are they?" I asked, my mind just felt heavy.

"What do you mean? They told you. Auntie Debbie told you."

"I mean like.. Debbie is my mum still if you know what I mean.. She was the one that loved and raised me.. She did all the things mums do up to a point." I explained. "And family? My real mum was basically too scared to love me and my twin together as one. Just because we're blood, doesn't mean we're family. You're family. Imani is family. Your mum is family. Shayden is family. Dru is family. Mason is family. Imani and Dezhaun is family." I explained.

"I honestly don't know what to dooooo!" I groaned in frustration. I got up with my hand over my face groaning. Life COULD be perfect.. but it's not.

"You already know bro but is support any decision you make. I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to go to them. I know is want a perfect lil family with all di cash." He shrugged.

"That's the thing.. I know nothing bout them. They could be serial killers. Perfect? Really?" I asked sarcastically.

"Think Tereke. I'd love to have an older brother you know? That's alive or not in jail anyways. They always got your back—"

"If you're tryna talk me into liking having a big brother you're wasting time. I got you & Mason and even if you lot got my back, at the end of the day, I got myself." I shrugged walking away to the window.

"Not even bro. You're just stressing right about now, you need a fat zoot." He told me.

"I do but still."

"Just listen." He said getting up to go to his draw. "Parents - loaded. Twin sister you could hook me up with, she's fucking sexy. Big brother, already some og. Nice house OR even houses! Two lil nephews, a niece. If you don't like, tell your dad to adopt me."

He listed as he started rolling a fat zoot.

"You have a fucking dad that WANTS you! I'm still waiting for my dad to come back from the shop mate! He went 10 years ago! A bloody decade!"

I started laughing, idk why he's bitching.

"Argh, just past me the zoot man. I'll call him tomorrow or something. I need a fucking rest."

"Word but let's get high." He giggled making me laugh. My fucking breddahhh.

Tahera 🦄.

"They're just growing up too fast Aiden, we need to have more kids." I sighed whilst changing Ariyah's nappy.

"You're fucking crazy mate." He smirked. I turned around screwing.

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