Buster Posey {Injuries} [MLB]

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"Babe, how do you always end up injured?" I ask Buster as he sets an ice pack on his ankle that was resting on the table. He hissed as the ice touched his bare skin. "If only I knew. Im tired of getting injured." Throwing his head back against the back of the couch, he let out a groan. "Damn this hurts."

He, once again, had gotten injured while catching at home plate. Luckily, this time it didn't shatter his ankle, he only sprained it. It was still going to put him out of playing for a while, and that's what got him. Not the pain of the injury, but not playing.

I picked his crutches up off the floor and leaned them against the wall. His walking boot was sitting on the table, where it would most likely stay knowing Buster. He took it off as soon as he got home, saying it "Felt awkward on his leg." I had rolled my eyes when he said that, but didn't say anything out loud about it.

Being it was the beginning of September and the air was cool, I walked upstairs and changed into some sweatpants and a tanktop, sliding Buster's 2014 World Series Champion hoodie on also. I walked downstairs and saw Buster standing up, trying to walk around without his crutches or walking boot. "Gerald, you had better sit back down."

He sits back down and groans, causing me to laugh. When I call him Gerald, he knows Im serious. "What do you need babe?" "My pain medicine." I stop in my tracks and look at him. "You were going to walk into the kitchen and get your pain medicine, without crutches or a walking boot, knowing it would cause you more pain?" "Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea."

I get his medicine and a bottle of water and bring it back to him. He took his medicine and pulled me down next to him, so he could rest his head on my shoulder. It wasn't long until he was asleep, so I laid him down and placed a pillow under his head along with a blanket over his body. "Goodnight Buster. I love you." I kiss his forehead before walking upstairs and going to bed.

When I walk downstairs the next morning, I saw Buster was still asleep on the couch. He looked really cute while he was sleeping, but you could tell by his facial expressions he was still in pain. I walked by him and into the kitchen, where I started making breakfast.

"Crap!" I hear yelled and a loud clatter follows that. Peeking my head around the corner, I see Buster trying to reach his crutches that had fallen over. "Need some help?" He looks up at me and sheepishly grins. "Please?" I pick up his crutches and hand them to him. "Thank you."

We eat breakfast, got dressed and then I look at his ankle. It looked even worse than it did yesterday. Swollen and red only began to describe it. He sat down to put his walking boot back on and then grabs his crutches. "Lets go (Y/N)!" He exclaims as he makes his way, slowly, out the door.

When we got to the ballpark, Buster made his way to the clubhouse. I followed behind him and saw that all the guys were looking at his ankle. Joe looked as if he were ready to vomit at the sight. Once everyone that wanted to see it saw it, Buster puts his boot back on.

He had his uniform on, but he knew he wasn't playing tonight. I was sitting next to him in the dugout while we watched the guys go for the win against the Mariners. You could tell Buster wanted to play by the emotions on his face. Since Hunter Pence had an day off today to rest, he helped me keep Buster's mind off the game.

As soon as the game ended (The Giants winning 4-3), he was up and on the field for high-fives. I laughed as he fell into Matt, him give Buster the 'WTF' look. He made his way back to where I was and we made our way to the car.

Once we got home, he made his way upstairs and into the bedroom where he changed clothes. I grabbed an ice pack before making my way upstairs, where Buster was sprawled out on the bed. "Babe, here's an ice pack." Setting it on his ankle, he hissed once again. I lay down next to him and he pulls me close.

Not long after that, Buster's snores fill my ear. I take the ice pack off his ankle and put it back in the kitchen. "Goodnight Buster." I say as I lay back down next to him.


In the Buster feels. Hopefully he doesn't get injured anytime soon!
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(826 Words)

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