Anthony Recker {Memories} [MLB]

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Warning: Sad near the end of the Imagine!!

3 Years Ago

"Are you sure about this?" She asked me as I pulled her out of the bedroom. Seeing as we were only clad in pajamas and slippers, she was worried when I pulled her out of the house. "I'm 100% sure babe. Now come on, let's go."

We hop into my car and I begin the drive to the ballpark. I glanced over at (Y/N), who was asleep in the passenger seat. A laugh escapes my lips as I pull into a parking spot at Turner Field.

I walk around to her side of the car and open the door before unbuckling her seatbelt. Picking her up, I kick the door closed before walking into the ballpark. "Babe? Where are we?" She asked me as she began to wake up. "It's a surprise." I say as I kiss her forehead.

Walking out to the field, I lay (Y/N) down on the blanket that I had previously set out. I laid down next to her and pulled her into my chest. "Turner Field?" She questions me as she turns around in my arms. "Yes ma'am." I place a kiss to her lips and soon she's asleep again.

2 Years Ago

"Anthony, what the hell are you doing?" She whisper-shouts at me. "Pranking Tyrell, what does it look like I'm doing? Come help me!" She rolls her eyes before walking over to me. "He's gonna kill you." "No he won't, because he won't know it was us!"

"Us? Don't you mean you?" I chuckle. "No babe, I mean us. You're now guilty by association." I set the prank up and then set it into motion before running from the room.

A few moments pass, before I hear Tyrell's voice. "Recker, I'm gonna kill you!" "Shit." I mutter as I dash into a closet to hide. Tyrell runs by my hiding spot, so I dash back towards the clubhouse.

"Damnit (Y/N), why did you tell him?" I asked as I entered the clubhouse. "Because he needed to know!" She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. Sighing, I walk towards her and pull her into my arms. "But now he's gonna kill me."

She places a kiss to my lips before walking out. "That's your problem Mr. Recker, not mine."

1 Year Ago

Beep, Beep, Beep

My eyes fluttered open and I moved my head, looking to find to source of the noise. The lights were bright and the noises were loud. I located the noise, and was confused to see hospital machines. "Huh? Where the hell am I?"

A man in a white lab coat comes in and begins to look at the machines that I was connected to. "Ah Mr. Recker, you're finally awake." "W-Where am I? Where's (Y/N)?" I exclaim as I try to get out of the bed. The man pulls me back onto the bed. "Mr. Recker, you have to stay here. You can't leave that bed."

The doctor leaves the room and leaves me by myself. My phone was resting next to my bed, and I gingerly reach up to grab it. A huge crack was in the screen, right down the middle of the phone. It looked like it had split the picture of (Y/N) and I that I had as my lockscreen, due to the way I had the picture set.

I opened the text messages between (Y/N) and I, and sent her a message.

To: Baby Girl❤️
Where are you? I'm worried about you

I sent another message, this one to Tyrell, and quickly recieved a response.

To: Tyrell
Do you know where I am? If so, get down here!

From: Tyrell
Already here, on my way back to see you.

As soon as I finished reading text, the door opens to reveal Tyrell. "Dude, where is (Y/N)?" I exclaim as he sits down in the chair next to my bed. "Uh, about that. (Y/N) isn't doing well." My heart drops to my stomach. "W-What? What do you mean?"

"When the other car hit your car, it hit (Y/N)'s side directly. Her car door collapsed in on her and broke some of her bones." "Okay, that doesn't sound so bad." I said to him. Tyrell took a deep breath and continued.

"It broke her right arm and leg, as well as two of her ribs. When one of the ribs broke, it fell and punctured her lung, causing it to collapse. She quit breathing on her own and they had to put her on a ventilator." "She's gonna be okay, right? Please tell me she's gonna be okay!" Tears fill my eyes and try to fall, but I wipe them away.

"They, they aren't sure at the moment." The tears fall from my eyes and I cover my face. "This can't be happening. We were so close to the wedding. We were officially gonna begin our life together. Have kids together." Sobs began to rack my body, causing me to shake violently.

"Anthony, calm down. You're gonna make yourself sick." Sobs continued to leave my body, but they soon subsided. "Can I go see her?" My voice was almost a whisper, it was almost like I didn't trust my own voice. "I'm not sure, let me go ask a nurse."

Tyrell leaves the room, only to return with a nurse and a wheelchair. They help me stand up, and it's only then I notice a cast on my left leg. "The dash crumpled and broke your Tibia in the process." Tyrell explains when he sees the confused look on my face.

As he wheels me down the hall towards (Y/N)'s room, I try to prepare myself. "Have you seen her yet?" I ask Tyrell. He sadly nods his head. "Yeah, they wanted me to identify her so that they could pull her medical records." He begins to slow down and stops in front of a door.

We opened the door and I immediantely began to cry. Machines were hooked to every part of her body and casts covered almost the entire right side of her body. Tyrell wheeled the wheelchair up next to her bed and left me there.

"Baby girl, I'm so sorry. I should have been paying more attention. I should have waited a second before going, even though the light was green for us to go." I gently grabbed her hand and held it. "Now you're suffering so much." Sobs began to rack my body again as I ran my thumb over her casts.

"Please stay with me baby girl, I can't lose you."

Present Day

"Hey baby girl. The team is doing well. Tyrell is pitching great, Freddie is crushing bombs and Dansby just got called up, just like you said needed to happen." My voice begins to crack and my throat begins to go dry. Tears fill my eyes and slowly begin to drip down my face.

"Oh wow, where do I begin. It's been a year already. A year since I've seen your smile, a year since I've heard your laugh. I haven't seen your amazing eyes and it kills me knowing that I haven't. This past year just hasn't been the same."

The tears began to fall harder, so I wiped them away. A hand is rested on my shoulder, so I look up and see Tyrell. "You okay?" He asked me, concern covering his face. I nodded at him and he sat down next to me. "It's okay to cry you know. It just shows you have emotions and that you aren't a robot."

I let out a small laugh and crack a small smile, causing Tyrell to smile. "There's that smile (Y/N) fell in love with." He pats my back and stands up before walking away. My smile quickly falls again as I realize that it was getting ready to storm and I would have to leave.

Rain droplets began to fall and I stood up, stretching so that I could pop my back. "I love you baby girl, I have since the day I met you. I'll love you until the day I die. I'll see you again someday." I turn around and retreat from the cemetary and climb into Tyrell's car, where he was waiting for me.

Hope you enjoyed this super long imagine! It took me about 2 weeks to complete.
Let me know what you thought about it! Feedback is appreciated!
Sorry for it being sad at the end.
{1437 Words}

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