Nolan Arenado {Bonding Time} [MLB]

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"Get in there and wait." A cop shoves another person into the holding cell and slams the door shut behind them. The man yells at the cops, using some choice words in the process, before sitting down on a bench that was in the cell.

The man looked familiar, I felt like I had seen him on TV or something like that. My mind was raking as I tried to remember where I had see him before. I tear my eyes away from the man and look at the ground.

"So, why are you here?" The man asked me as he tossed a rock around the holding cell. My face becomes red and I try to cover it as I remember why I'm here. "Uhh, I got into a fight after the Rockies game." His eyes light up as I say the word Rockies. "You don't look like the kind of person that would do that. Besides, don't be embarassed."

He moved and sat next to me and removed my hands from infront of my face. "Don't be embarassed, I think it's kinda cool." "Really?" I questioned him. "Yeah, really. For you to stand up for what you think, that's awesome." I let out a small smile. "Wow, thanks."

"So, what was the fight about anyways?" The man asked me as he stood up and popped his back. "Some chick was shit talking about the team and I lost it. They were talking bad about the players and the manager and pretty much anyone who has anything to do with the team." The man nodded his head. "I don't blame you for fighting them."

A cop comes over to the cell and unlocks it. "Alright  sir, you can have your one phone call now." He stands up and exits the cell, walking over to the phone booth. His voice was muffled, but I could still understand what he was saying. "DJ, man, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to come bail me out of jail." He went quiet as he listened to this DJ guy. "No, I'm not shitting you. Just come bail me out." He goes quiet again before saying goodbye.

He reenters the cell and sits back down across from me. "That went about as well as planned." I laughed as he sprawled out on one of the little benches. "Don't you think you're a little big to be laying on the bench like that?" He laughed and rolled off the bench. "Fuck." He groaned as he hit the floor. I laughed at his pain before standing up to help him off the ground.

We each sat down on a bench and try to stop laughing. After calming down, we start to talk about random things we could think of. The door to the prison opened and I see my brother standing there. As soon as my brother entered the room, the guy put his head down, almost like he was hiding.

"(Y/N) Story! What the hell did you think you were doing? Going and getting arrested? Mom's gonna kill me for letting you get arrested!" "Trevor, relax! I'm perfectly fine, see." Trevor looks around me and sees the guy that I was sharing a holding cell with. "Nolan? Nolan, is that you?" The guy looks up and cracks a small smile. "Uh, hey Trevor. What's up?"

"What the hell are you doing here?" "Got in a fight after the game with Troy Tulowitski. Broke his nose and they arrested me for it." Trevor lets out a sigh and runs his hand through his hair. "Both of you, arrested for fighting. This is ridiculous." The door opens again and in walks another guy. "DJ, please tell me you're here to bail Arenado out." Trevor says as he stares at DJ.

"Yeah, I'm here to get Nolan. I don't know why he's here, but I'm here to get him." The guys pay our bail and a cop unlocks the holding cell. Nolan and I exit it and the cop locks it again. "C'mon (Y/N), before you do something else that you're gonna regret." Trevor and I begin to walk out the door, but someone grabs my arm.

"Call me later, you seem pretty cool." Nolan says as he writes his number on my arm with a marker that was in his pocket. He releases my arm and I smile at him before following Trevor to the car.

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{755 Words}

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