Joc Pederson {Christmas} [MLB]

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For _outlaw39_ {Might be short, but I want to get it out on Christmas}

"Saaaaaaaaaaaam." I heard someone say while they shook my shoulder. "Wake up!" Slightly opening my eyes, I see Joc there, his eyes bright like Christmas Lights. I shut my eyes and roll over, only to hear Joc sigh. "Fine, I guess I'll carry you downstairs!" He scooped me into his arms and soon, Im being set on the couch.

After drinking a cup of coffee and eating breakfast (both made by Joc), we migrate into the living room to wait on some other people to arrive. And by other people, I mean Corey and Grace. Once they finally arrived and got comfortable, we began to open presents.

Grace was the only person to know what I was getting Joc, and it surprised her. Thankfully Joc and Corey didn't find out, it wouldn't have been good if Joc would have found out. After everyone else had opened everyone elses present, I went into the bedroom and grabbed Joc's present.

I handed him the box. It was a medium-sized box, good for storing things. He tore the wrapping paper off and glared at me when he saw I had taped the box shut. All I did was smile, knowing the glare would be gone soon. Once tape was off the box, along with the lid, Joc smiled from ear-to-ear.

"You're pregnant?" He shrieked as he dropped the box and ran over to me. I nodded my head as he pulled me into a hug. Corey and Grace congratulated us and soon left, leaving just Joc and I. He stared at the ultrasound that was in the box, not believing what he was seeing.

"I can't believe Im going to be a dad." He finally spoke, his voice soft. "Well believe it, because it's true." He pulled me into his lap and held me close, placing kisses to my forehead. "I will make sure nothing happens to you or this baby. I promise that." He placed a kiss on my lips then pulled me closer before laying down on the couch, where we stayed the rest of the day.

Because she wrote me an amazing Christmas Imagine, I thought she needed one!
Love you Sam! You are one of my best friends and I hope you know that.
Sorry its short. I just really wanted to get it out on Christmas Day
{408 Words}

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