Joey Rickard {Sick Days} [MLB]

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Seanna's POV

"Babe, go to your game." I say as Joey laid next to me. He laughed and pulled me closer to him. "Not gonna happen. I've already told Showalter what's going on and he told me to not worry about the game." I rolled away and coughed some more, while Joey rubbed my back.

As I sat up, I grabbed the trashcan that was positioned next to me bed and threw up the crackers and ginger ale that I had consumed. Joey continued to rub my back as I emptied my insides. "Get it all up babe. The more you get it up, the better you'll feel in the end." I groan as I lay back down. "Since when did you become Dr. Rickard?"

I grabbed the TV remote and turned it on, changing the channel to the Orioles game. "Since you won't go to the damn game, you might as well watch it." He laughed and kissed the top of my head. "Alright, we can watch the game if that will make you happy." He laid down next to me and I rested my head on his chest.

The Orioles had an early game today, it was starting at 11:30. I was curled up directly next to Joey, trying to get some heat off him, see as I was freezing cold. He was running his hand up and down my back, trying to get me to relax. "Calm down baby girl, you're scaring me with how much you're shaking." I wrap my arms tightly around Joey and slowly begin to stop shaking.

"Baby girl, wake up so you can take your medicine." Joey slightly shook me awake and I groaned. "Do I have to?" He chuckled as he handed me the medicine. "Yeah, you have to." I took the medicine and cringed at the taste. Laying back down, I was quickly asleep again.

The next time I woke up, Joey was gone. I stood up and wrapped a blanket tightly around my shoulders. Voices filled the house from downstairs and I shuffled my way to the stairs. My vision went blurry and I tripped down the stairs, only to fall into Joey at the bottom. "Aren't you glad I was walking through here when I was?" I nodded my head and carefully stood up. He helped me walk into the living room, where some of his other teammates were hanging out.

"You feeling any better?" They asked me as I sat next to Joey. I nodded my head. "Yeah, I think it's just a 24 hour bug. The 24 hours should be over soon." Joey slung his arm around my shoulders and I laid my head on his shoulder.

The guys hung around for a while, but soon they began to leave to go to their own homes. Once the last person had left, Joey picked me up and carried me into the kitchen. He sat me on the counter and stood in front of me, his hands resting on my waist.

"You want to try and eat something? Maybe some soup?" He questioned me. I thought about it for a moment before nodding my head. "Yeah, I can try and eat something." He prepared me a bowl of soup, and slowly, I ate it. Once I had finished it, he placed the bowl in the sink before scooping me into his arms.

"Joey, you realize that with how much you've been around me that you'll probably be sick as well." I told him as he messed with my hair. "Am I supposed to care? If I get sick, I get sick, simply as that. As long as you get to feeling better, that's all I care about." He kissed the top of my head and pulled me even closer to him, and that's how we fell asleep that night.

Let me know what you thought!
This imagine was written for SElizabeth23
I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry it's kinda short.
{664 Words}

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