Chipper Jones {Snowstorms} [MLB]

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"Chipper? Where are you?" I said into the phone as the lights flickered on and off. Blankets were wrapped tightly around me as I tried to stay warm. "I'm trying to get home baby. Cars are stuck everywhere and I'm trying to manuver around them."  "Please, be careful superstar." I used my nickname for him and he lightly chuckled. "I will darling. I'll be home as soon as I can."

I heard the heat shut off and I mentally cursed. Pulling the blankets even tighter around me, I went to the thermostat, only to see it had overheated. I sighed as I plugged the little portable heater in and cranked it all the way up.

The lights flickered once more before shutting off completely, along with the portable heater. I quickly grabbed my phone and sent Chipper a text.

To: Superstar❤️⚾️
Just lost power in the house

I didn't recieve a reply to the text I had sent him, and if he had sent one, I never recieved it. Curling into a ball under the pile of blankets on top of me, I tried to not shiver. My phone vibrated next to me and I stuck my hand out to grab it. "Please let it be Chipper." I whisper to myself as I picked it up.

From: Freddie
I'm on my way to your house to pick you up. Have the door unlocked and be ready to go.

I threw the blankets off my body, unlocked the front door, then ran around trying to gather everything I would need. "Phone charger, jacket, blanket, water." I muttered as I stuffed everything in a backpack. The front door opened and in walked my younger brother Freddie, clad in heavy clothes. "Chipper told me to come pick you up and take you back to my house." Slinging my bag on my back, I picked up my phone and keys before following Freddie out the door.

"(Y/N)! You must be freezing!" Freddie's wife Chelsea exclaimed as I entered the house. I was shivering slightly and my teeth were chattering. "Go sit by the fire and warm up, I'll fix you a cup of tea. You too Freddie, go warm up." We went and sat by the fire and Freddie gave me a hug. "Thanks for rescuing me Freddie, I probably would have frozen." He laughed as he pulled out of the hug. "Can't have my big sister being an icicle, now can I?" Chelsea entered the room with three cups of tea and handed us two of them before sitting down on the other side of Freddie.

Freddie's phone began to ring and he stood up to get it from the kitchen. "Hello?" You could hear him say from the other room. "Hey Chipper, what's up?" My head snapped up as I heard him say Chipper's name. "Where are you? I'll come get you." Freddie went silent before speaking again. "Alright, I'll be there to get you as soon as I can." He entered the room and sighed. "(Y/N), I need your house keys."

"Why?" I questioned. "Chipper got stuck near Turner Field and he told me to get the 4-Wheeler and go get him." I tossed him my keys and he caught them. "Keys for the 4-Wheeler are laying on the kitchen table." Freddie grabbed his jacket and walked out the door, leaving just Chelsea and I. "Just like a few years back, isn't it?" She jokes, causing me to laugh. "Yeah, except now Chipper needs to be rescued."

Time slowly passed as Chelsea and I waited for the guys to arrive. We kept our phones close to us, awaiting any phone call or text. My phone began to buzz and I quickly opened the message.

From: Freddie
I found him! On our way back now.

A picture was attached of Chipper bundled up in his winter clothes. I showed it to Chelsea and she began to laugh. "Time to start preparing for the real icicle to show up." We laughed at the joke and began to make more tea, so that it would be ready when the guys got back.

The sounds of an engine came from outside, and when we checked to see what it was, we were delighted to see the 4-Wheeler. Chipper and Freddie dashed inside and immediantely began to warm their bodies by the fire. My phone lit up and I saw it was Twitter.

@FreddieFreeman5: Had to go rescue both of them from the snowstorm. Opposite from the other year!

It included a picture of Chipper and I cuddled up next to the fire, trying to stay warm. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms tighter around Chipper, who was lightly snoring. "Looks like being stranded wore him out." I said as Chelsea and Freddie entered the room. "Looks like it. Wake him up and put him in the guest room to sleep, there's a little heater in there to keep you warm." Freddie told me as I stood up and began to wake Chipper up.

He sleepily made his way towards the guest room and was under the blankets quickly. I went to leave the room, only to hear him mutter, "Come lay with me." Making my way back to the bed, I crawl under the blankets and rest my head on his chest. My eyelids begin to droop and soon I'm asleep.

Let me know what you thought!
KellBell59 and Kit-Kats-Meow here is the Chipper Imagine!!
{921 Words}

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