Christian Arroyo {Skype Calls} [MLB]

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Seeing a Skype request from Christian, I quickly accept it. "Hey Christian!" I cheerfully say as I answer the call. "Hey babe! How are you doing!" "Other than missing you like crazy, I'm pretty good."

"I know you miss me, but I miss you more." He tells me as he lays down on his bed. "But think about it, I'll be gone three more days. That's it." "That's so long though. I haven't seen you in person in days." The door opens in the background and Christian turns to see who it is.

"Arroyo! Get the hell off Skype!" I hear in the background, Jackson's face soon appearing. "Nevermind, it's (Y/N). I'll just take the computer instead." Christian disappears and Jackson takes full control of the computer.

"Hey best frannnnnnd!" Jackson says in his most white girl voice. "Hey Jackson." A hand smacks Jackson in the back of the head and soon Christian has the laptop back.

After locking himself in the bathroom, Christian was left alone to talk. "I can't talk much longer, we have to leave for the game soon."  He tells me, saddness filling his voice. "Play good babe. Call me after the game. I love you." "I love you too baby girl." He hangs up the call and I close down my laptop, preparing to wait until Christian arrived back home.

Sorry it's so short -Arroyo22
I wanted to get it out before you left for the next few days.
{251 Words}

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