Kris Bryant {Debut} [MLB]

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"(Y/N)! Wake up babe!" My boyfriend, Kris Bryant, exclaimed while shaking me from my sleep. I groan and turn away from him, causing him to shake me even more. "Babe! Wake up! You gotta get ready so we can go to the ballpark!" He was acting like a 5 year old on Christmas Morning and the look on his face caused me to give in and get up from the bed.

After showering and slipping on my clothes for the day, I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. Kris was eating a bowl of cereal at the counter and as I walked up behind him, I wrapped my arms around his body. "You ready for today?" He quickly nods his head. "Yeah, this is what I've dreamed my entire life of."

He finishes his cereal and puts the bowl in the sink. "C'mon, lets go!" I laugh at his childish behavior, but stand up and walk over to the door. Pulling me out the door, he drags me to his car and we head off for Wrigley Field.

Once we get to Wrigley, he starts to shake. "Babe, relax. Take a deep breath and breathe." His nerves were starting to get to him and he needed to relax. "What if I mess up out there?" "I'll still love you Kris. I'll love you no matter what happens out there on that field tonight." I placed a kiss on his lips and his nerves started to calm down. He grabbed his bag and gave me one last kiss before walking towards the clubhouse.

I sat in my seat, directly next to the Cubs dugout, watching BP (Batting Practice) before the game began. The San Diego Padres were in town to play the Cubs. Kris was standing on the field, bat in hand, waiting on his turn to take BP. He turned around and locked eyes with me. "Relax." I mouthed to him. "You can do this. I believe in you." He nodded his head at me and stepped into the batting cage. After missing the first pitch, he hit the rest of them.

He finished his BP and walked over to the fence, where I was standing. "I told you you could do it." I kissed his nose through the fence. He opened a door in the fence and pulled me through it. "What are you doing Kris?" I squealed as he pulled me through the dugout and the tunnel connecting the dugout and clubhouse. "Spending time with you before the game."

He pulls me down on the ground with him and sets me in his lap. "Shouldn't you be out on the field, stretching maybe?" I giggle as he holds me close to his body. "Eh, they won't notice if the new kid is gone for a little bit." I rest my head on his shoulder as he places a kiss to my forehead.

"Bryant!? Where the hell are you?" Someone shouts into the tunnel, loud footsteps soon following. Anthony Rizzo comes into my vision and he laughs at us. "Oh the lovebirds. Always together." I bury my head into the crook of Kris's neck, causing Anthony to laugh again. "Come on baby, I gotta go get ready for the game."

Walking back through the tunnel and dugout, Kris leads me back to my seat. "I'll be cheering you on babe. Good luck and I love you babe." I place a kiss to his lips and give him a hug. "Love you too baby." He walks through the fence and back into the dugout.

The game began and my nerves began to kick in. People around me thought I was crazy the way I was bouncing around in my chair. When Kris stepped onto the On-Deck circle, he turned around and looked at me. "You can do it Kris." I mouthed to him. He nodded his head before turning back around. The Padres walked Rizzo, causing Kris to bat.

Kris ended up striking out during his at-bat. Well, he struck out in 3 of his 4 at-bats and grounded out in the other one. But he was still in a good mood after the game, even if the Cubs lost. I was standing by the car waiting on him when he wrapped me into a hug. "Come on Silk, Im tired." He groans into my ear when I call him Silk. "Im gonna kill Bryce for telling you that nickname." I laugh as I place a kiss on his lips. "Alright then Bryant, lets go home."


For some reason I've had Kris Bryant feels lately so I wrote this imagine.
Let me know if it was any good or not!

(786 Words)

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