Anthony Rizzo {Date Night Fun} [MLB]

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Keeleigh: Key-lee
Spring Training, Arizona

I rolled over and was met by Anthony watching me sleep. "Having fun watching me?" He chuckles and pulls my body closer to him. "Maybe. But I was lonely while you were asleep." "Is Keeleigh still asleep?" I muttered as I cuddled into Anthony's chest. "Yeah, I think so. Kris is gonna pick her up so I can take you out later."

Little footsteps sounded throughout the house and soon Keeleigh was in our bedroom. "Daddy!" She exclaimed as she held her arms up, wanting in the bed with us. He picked her up and sat her down between us. She was wearing a Cubs Tshirt with a pair of jeans. "Did Daddy pick out your outfit?" I asked, a smile on my face. "Yep!" A small grin was on Anthony's face as he placed a kiss to my lips. "Ewwww!" The little 4 year old says.

The doorbell rings and I groan. Anthony stands up, and I see he's only in some sweatpants. After picking Keeleigh up, he walks out of the room. Standing up, I follow him and walk downstairs. Kris was there, Keeleigh now in his arms. "Bye Mommy. Bye Daddy." She waved at us and soon it was only Anthony and I left.

"So" I begin as I sat down on the couch "Where are you taking me?" He chuckles before responding "It's a surprise." A groan escapes my lips. "But I hate surprises, you know that!" "You'll love this one, trust me." He puts my feet on his lap and begins to massage my feet. "Well, how am I supposed to dress?" "Casual will work. Make sure you wear a bathing suit as well." My brain begins to work as I think about what he could be planning.

I walk upstairs and into the closet, pulling out a flannel, a white tanktop and some blue jean short-shorts. Walking into the bathroom, I take a quick shower before changing into the outfit. As I walk into the bedroom, I see Anthony sitting on the bed, clad in sweatpants and a random Cubs shirt. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into his lap.

"You know I love you, right?" "Maybe." I say as I kiss his lips, smiling into the kiss. He ran his hands under my shirt, causing me to giggle. "Not now Rizzo, maybe later." Moving from my place on his lap, I hear Anthony groan as I exit the room. "Leave me like this why don't you."

"Where are you taking me?" I say as I lean into Anthony's chest. He had my eyes blindfolded, seeing as he was wanting to surprise me. His arms were tightly wrapped around my waist and his head rested on my shoulders. "I can't tell you darling. You'll find out soon enough."

"Rizzo how much farther?" He laughs at my impatience before pulling me to a stop. "Here we are." Untying the blindfold, it drops to the ground to reveal a beach-like area. "I thought this might be a good place for a date." I place a kiss to his lips before diving into the cool water. "Hey, get back here!" He strips from his shirt and follows me into the water.

Anthony was chasing me around in the water, quickly gaining ground on me. His arms wrapped around me and pulled me under the water. My legs wrapped around his waist as my arms went around his neck and we connected our lips. His hands rested on my waist, holding me where I was.

As we broke the surface of the water, we broke the kiss as well. My wet hair was covering the front of my face. "How did I get so lucky as to find you Rizzo?" He moved the hair from my face and looked into my eyes. "I ask myself the same question everyday. I feel as if I'm not worthy enough to be with you." He places another kiss to my lips before we climb out of the water.

"When are we supposed to pick Keeleigh up?" I asked Anthony as we climbed into the car. "Kris was just going to bring her to the ballpark tomorrow. He said we could have 'Mommy-Daddy Time' that way." I laugh before intertwining our fingers. "Well, if you want to we can." He quickly nods his head. "After what you did earlier, oh yeah. That was so mean leaving me hanging like that."


When the Rizzo feels are strong.
Anthony Rizzo is just too fine!
Shoutout to nicks-babe for sticking me in the Rizzo feels again.
{777 Words}

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