Enrique "Kiké" Hernández {Spring Training} [MLB]

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"Enrique Javier Hernández, where is your suitcase!?"

I screamed at him from the bottom of the staircase. His loud footsteps sounded from the hallway as his head peeked down from over the banister. "I'm working on it babe. I promise." He disappears again as I walk away from the stairs.

"What's up people of the Hernández household?" My brother Joc says as he enters the house, Trayce Thompson following behind. "Trying to get Kiké's stuff packed for the Spring Training trip." I grab a bottle of water and sit on the counter, facing Joc and Trayce as they sat at the kitchen table. "He takes forever to pack." Trayce said, causing us to laugh.

"(Y/N), where is the rally banana costume?" Kiké says as he dashes into the kitchen. "I don't know, I haven't seen it." He groans as he makes his way back up the stairs. "I never could understand why he always takes that on roadtrips with him." "That's Kiké for you."

Arizona dashed by me and over to Kiké as he made his way down the stairs. He picked her up and she began to bark happily. "Wow, she makes lots of noise for a little pup." Joc says as Kiké places her in her travel bag. She begins to whimper and cry, wanting back out to join us. "No Arizona, I can't let you out right now."

We get everything loaded into the trunk of Kiké's car, soon finding ourselves making the 6 hour trip to Phoenix for Spring Training. Joc and Trayce sat in the back with Arizona, while Kiké and I sat up front. Trayce let Arizona out of her bag and she plopped down between the two men. She laid down, and soon little snores filled the car.

"Babe, pull over and let me drive, you look tired." I told Kiké as we neared the Arizona/California border. "No baby, I'm fine." He rubbed his eyes again as I laid my hand on his thigh. "Enrique, pull this car over and let me drive." Pulling the car over, we switch seats and he is soon asleep.

Joc, Trayce and Arizona were all asleep in the backseat and Kiké was passed ut in the passengers seat. A rustling noise came from the back as Arizona made her way into the front of the car. She hopped into Kiké's lap and was soon asleep again.

"Guys, we're here." I said as I drove into the parking lot of the teams hotel. Trayce and Joc slowly woke up and got out of the car, but Kiké remained asleep. "Babe, wake up." I said as I opened the door on the passengers side. He didn't stir a bit, so I grabbed Arizona from his lap and placed her in her travel bag that Joc had handed me. "Kiké, we're here in Phoenix. You have to wake up." I placed my lips to his and his soon began to move in sync with mine. "Damn, that's how I want to wake up after every nap." Kiké said as he stepped out of the car. I rolled my eyes as we intertwined our fingers and walked inside.

Trayce and Joc went to the room they were to share while Kiké and I went to ours. He let Arizona out and she jumped onto his chest as he laid down on the bed. I laid down next to him and wrapped my arms around him. "You ready for the season babe?" My head was resting on his body and he had an arm around me. "Yes and no. Yes, because I'm ready to get playing again. No, because I don't want to leave you to go to away games."

"Babe, you know if you want me to I can go with you on trips." I ran my fingers through his hair before sitting up. Kiké rested his head in my lap before sighing. "I know mi amor (my love), but you know how tough the season is." "And the season isn't here yet." I cut him off. "We still have another month or so before the actual season starts. Now come on, lets go prank some of your teammates." He hopped up and grabbed my hand before pulling me out of the room.

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{724 Words}

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