Cody Zeller {Injured} [NBA]

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Shoutout to chrisarchersloser for listening to my rants and rambles about Cody these past few days. Funny enough, he missed tonights game due to an injury, only his was a right shoulder injury.


"Ha, been ballin' too hard?" Kemba asked me as Cody and I made our way into Spectrum Center. Rolling my eyes, I ignore him and follow Cody to the locker room. "There's our injured player!" Michael yells as I enter the room, everyone's eyes snapping up to see Cody and I.

I sat down in front of my locker and sighed. During the game last night, I went up for a rebound against Dwight Howard and he bumped me, causing me to fall awkwardly. When that happened, I broke my leg and now I'm unable to play for a minimum of 4 months.

Seeing as I was the only female in the NBA, lots of people thought Dwight did it on purpose, my team being some of them. A fight broke out on court afterwards and I was stuck laying on the court in pain until they moved out of the way. The arena had gone quiet once they realized I was laying on the ground, writhing in pain. Cody watched from the bench, worry plastered to his face. I gave a thumbs up, not only letting the crowd know I was okay, but to personally let Cody know.

They tried to get me to stand, but the pain was so excrutiating that they ended up carting me off the court. The rest that happened was a blur, with all I know is that they transported me to the hospital to reset my leg and to put it in a cast. The team was there to see me once the game ended, Cody sitting right next to my bed. "Who has the sharpie? I want to sign her cast!" Frank exclaimed. Nic pulled a sharpier out of his pocket and passed it to Frank, who immediantely wrote on my cast.

Get well soon short stack :) ~Frank The Tank

I laugh at what he wrote as he passed the marker off to Spencer. Soon enough, everyone had signed my cast.

Injury prone much? Get well soon ~ Spencer
Gonna wrap you in bubble wrap ~MKG
Better make sure Cody takes care of you (you know, if he doesn't get injured) ~K3mba

Those three made me laugh the most, the one from Kemba making me laugh the most. They stayed a while longer before leaving to go to their homes. "Are you gonna stay with me?" I asked Cody as he held my hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. "Of course, why would I leave?" I moved over in the bed and patted the empty spot next to me. Cody laid down next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Get some rest darling, you need it." Cody whispers into my ear and he ran his hand through my hair. My eyes began to droop, and the last thing I saw was my cast, one signature standing out from the others.

Don't worry, I'll take care of you baby girl. Love you ~Cody

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{536 Words}

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