Joe Panik {Sick and He Takes Care Of You} [MLB]

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"Joseph!" I yell from my spot on the couch. From upstairs in our bedroom, my husband, Joe Panik, yelled down to me. "Yeah (Y/N)?" "Come here!" Hearing the loud footsteps coming down the stairs, I turn my head and see Joe squatting next to the couch.

"Whats wrong baby?" "It hurts." I moan as I clutch my stomach. "I know it does. Let me go find you some medicine." He stands up and walks into the kitchen, to get some medicine I suppose.

It sucks being sick, and it sucks even more when you are keeping your husband home from playing one of his baseball games. A World Series game at that. All of Joe's teammates came by to check on me before they went to the game.

"(Y/N), heres your medicine." I saw what it was and my face immediantely scrunched up. "Uh-uh. Thats nasty!" He chuckles as he tries to give me the medicine again. "Now you sound like Emily." Reluctantly, I swallow the liquid. "Thank you baby." He goes and puts it up before coming back to the living room.

After he sits down on the couch, I lay my head in his lap. "Where is Emily?" I croak out. He starts to run his fingers through my hair, twisting it between his fingers. "She went with Buster to the game." Looking at the clock, he grabs the TV remote. "Speaking of the game, its getting ready to start."

It was Game 5, and they were playing at AT&T Park. The series was tied up at 2 games a piece. The Giants had Madison Bumgarner, other wise known as my big brother, pitching while the Royals had James Shields pitching. The game came and went. Maddy pitched a complete shut out game, with the Giants winning 5-0. I fell asleep during the 4th inning, and at that point we were leading 2-0. When I woke up, I heard voices in the house.

"Daddy, is Mommy feeling better?" Emily asked Joe. "Yeah Em, Mommy's feeling a little better. She's just sleeping so she can feel alot better tomorrow." I crack my eyes open and see Emily sitting on Joe's lap, while Joe was sitting in the beanbag chair. There was a blanket tossed over me, which I didn't remember being there when I went to sleep. "Come on Emmy, time for you to go to bed. You have to go to Kindergarten tomorrow, remember?" He says as he picks her up and carries her upstairs.

I drag myself off the couch and then grab the blanket, wrapping it around my shoulders. Very slowly, I make my way upstairs. When I finally make it up the steps, I open the door to Emily's room, only to see her fast asleep. After closing the door to her room, I make my way to mine and Joe's room.

The shower was running, so I knew Joe was in it. I climb underneath the blankets and lay there, trying to warm up. Soon, the water stops running in the bathroom. The door opens and Joe walks out, only wearing some basketball shorts. I feel the bed dip next to me, and soon arms wrap around me. "You're gonna get sick Joseph." He buries his head into the crook of my neck. "I don't care if I do or if I don't. I just want you to feel better." Snuggling up closer to Joe, I start to doze off again. "Good night baby. I hope you feel better tomorrow."


(594 Words)

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