CJ Cron {Revealing Ones True Self} [MLB]

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Shoutout to txrangersgirl nicks-babe and KellBell59 for appearing in the imagine!
This imagine is for chxvrolet and I hope you enjoy it!


"Are you gonna tell her?" Cole asked me as he rested his arm across Anna's shoulders. "Tell her what exactly?" I hear Dansby laugh as he flies into the room. "You know what. About your little secret, all of our little secrets." Kellie and Shelby soon arrive and join the group that is meeting in my living room.

"Where's Sam, Nick and Bri?" Anna asked as she glanced around the room. "Who the hell knows where Sam and Nick are, we probably don't wanna know." Shelby spoke up, causing us to laugh. "Bri had something come up that she had to take care of first. She said she would be over here as quick as she could." Dansby informed us.

"But seriously CJ, you have to tell her. This isn't a secret that you can keep from your girlfriend." I throw my head back and sigh. "I know, but how the hell am I supposed to tell Emma, 'Oh yeah, by the way, I'm a vampire!'? It's not easy to do!"

A loud 'whoosh' sound came from outside the door and in walked Nick and Sam. "What up?" Nick asked as he pulled Sam into his lap. "About time you guys showed up. What were you doing? Or do we even want to know?" Shelby joked as Nick's face turned bright red. "Nevermind what they were doing!" Anna shouts over the laughter that filled the room.

"Uhhhh CJ, Emma's on her way over here." Bri says as she enters the house. She sits down next to Dansby and places her feet on his lap. "How long did she say it woukd take for her to get here?" I asked as I began to flip out. "20 minutes."

"I have 20 minutes to figure out how to tell Emma that I'm a vampire?!" Standing up, I run out of the house and into the nearby woods. My fangs pop out of my gums and I try to find a small animal to drain of its blood. After finding a rabbit, I drain it and wipe my mouth. My fangs disappear back into my gums and I begin the walk back to my house.

"CJ! There you are!" Emma shouted as she stepped out of her car. I freaked out and dashed in the other direction, using my super speed to get away. "CJ! Wait! Where are you going?" She shouts as she tries to follow me.

I sprint deeper in the woods and don't stop until I find a tree that looks good enough to climb and hide. As I hide in the tree, I listen for Emma's voice. "CJ? Where are you?" I faintly hear. Leaves and sticks crack and break as Emma steps on them. "CJ? Did I do something wrong?" Her voice cracks as she begins to cry. Footsteps get closer and soon I see her walk under the tree that I'm positioned in.

I see the tears falling down her face as she leans against a tree that is opposite the one I'm in. She slides down it and begins to cry even harder. "Emma, don't cry." I say just loud enough for her to hear. "CJ?" She sniffles as she looks up. "Yeah, I'm up here." She looks up and locks eyes with me. "Why did you run away from me?" Her eyes show confusion and hurt, and it makes my heart shatter. "I don't know how to tell you."

"D-Did you cheat on me?" She weakly asked me. "Emma, I would never cheat on you." "Then what did you do?" "It's not what I did, its what I am." "W-What's that supposed to mean?" I fly out of the tree and her eyes went wide. "CJ? Did you just fly?" I nod my head and she goes quiet. "CJ, what are you? You aren't human."

"I'm a vampire." I tell her and she laughs. "Vampires aren't real." I bare my fangs and her eyes go wide again. "Okay, maybe vampires ARE real. But, why didn't you tell me before now?" "I was scared you would leave me because you thought I was a freak."

She makes me sit down next to her as she lays her head on my shoulder. "You aren't a freak babe, you're just different, that's all. Now I have a question, are you the only vampire?" I shake my head. "No, everyone else that's hanging out at my house are vampires also." She stands up and pulls me up as well. "Well, lets go hang out with some vampires, shall we?"

Let me know what you thought about it!
{797 Words}

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