Chase D'Arnaud {Catch That Cat} [MLB]

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Can we please just appreciate this picture of Chase from when he and his band played at Bonaroo?

As I arrive back at my house, I hear yelling and screaming coming from inside. "Get the hell back here and give me back my shirt!" I heard my boyfriend yell. Rolling my eyes and laughing, I open the door only to see a shirtless Chase D'Arnaud running through our house.

"Chase? What are you doing?" I asked as I laughed at him running around the house. He stopped in front of me and collapsed onto the couch next to me. Resting his head in my lap, I begin to run my fingers through his hair. His hands were resting on his bare stomach as he closed his eyes. "Your cat took my clothes again."

Soon after those words left his mouth, my cat entered the room with Chase's shirt in his mouth, dragging it behind him. He ran over to me and dropped the shirt at my feet before running off. "Here babe, here's your shirt." I tell Chase as I drop his shirt on him.

Chase doesn't move and I realize he had fallen asleep. I stand up and place a pillow under his head without waking him up. Making my way towards the bedroom, I see my cat laying on the bed, resting on my pillow. "Why do you keep stealing Chase's clothes?" I ask as I lay on the bed, rubbing the cat.

He let out a small meow and rubbed up against me. "You must really love Chase if you keep taking his things. You seem to be like me, continually taking his shirts." He lets out another meow before laying back down to sleep some more. I lay down on my stomach in front of him and continue to rub his back.

The bed dipped down next to me and arms wrapped around me as a head is rested on my back. "Did you see your shirt babe? I got it back for you." He nods his head. "Yeah, I saw it. I put it in the washer so I could get all the hair and spit off it." He took his head off my back and laid it on his pillow. Rolling over, I face Chase and wrap my arms around him.

"Shouldn't you be getting to the field?" I asked him as I looked up at him. "I called Snitker and told him I was having issues and that I would be late getting to the field today." Letting out a laugh, I sit up before climbing out of the bed. I walk into the closet and grab Chase a shirt before tossing it to him.

Before he could even put the shirt on, my cat jumped up and took off wih it. "Not again!" Chase yelled before taking off after the cat. I laugh and run after him, just to see him slide across the kitchen floor. He lets out a shriek as he crashes into the wall, causing me to laugh once again. He mutters under his breath before dashing by me.

"Get back here!" Chase yells as he runs out the door, still chasing the cat. The cat meets the fence that we have set up around the yard. He sees Chase getting ready to catch him, so he dashes back to the house to escape. Chase mutters again before running back into the house.

"Chase, babe. Just let him have the shirt. You act like you don't have tons more you could wear." He sighs before pulling me into a hug. "You're right. I guess I need to go get another shirt to wear." He kisses my forehead before walking up the stairs to the bedroom.

I jumped up on the kitchen counter and sat there, waiting on Chase to walk back downstairs. Once he does, I see he has finally gotten to put a shirt on. "It took three shirts, but you finally got to put one on." He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. "Yeah, that's two shirts too many though."

Jumping off the counter, I walk over to him and kiss his lips. "Quit complaining babe. Now come on, you've got to get to the field before the game starts." He laughs and pulls me out of the house. "Don't tell anyone why we were late getting to the field. Promise me that." "I promise."

Little did he know, the entire team already knew what was going on. I had sent them a video of Chase running around trying to get his shirt. Time for the just to irritate the hell out of him about it!

Let me know what you thought about it!
{791 Words}

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