Richie Shaffer {Draft} [MLB]

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"You're finally getting your opportunity at the big leagues Richie! This is where everything begins!" Richie Shaffer's high school coach exclaimed as he hung up his cell phone. "Yeah, yeah I am." "You don't seem too excited about this. Why is that?" "(Y/N) won't want to travel to Tampa Bay with me. She loves it here in Charlotte."

"Shaffer, this is your life long dream! You told me the first time I saw you that you wanted to play in the big leagues, and this is your chance! Forget the girl and follow your dreams."

Forget his girlfriend of three years? Forget all the memories they had together? How would that even be possible?

"Let me get back to you coach." Turning his back, Richie saw just who he was looking for. "Richie, I'm so proud of you!" (Y/N) slings her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "Thank you baby. We need to talk about all of this though." Her voice drops to a whisper and she nods her head. "Yeah, yeah I know."

He grabs her hand and pulls her outside, away from the crowd of people. "So, are you gonna come to Tampa with me? I really want you to be with me." A sigh escapes her lips, a frown etched into her face. "Richie, you know how much I love it here. Leaving would be so hard." "Leaving you would be so hard for me though."

"What if I come visit you occasionally? I mean, I can still go to college here at UNCC and see you at the same time. We can Skype and Facetime all you want as well." "I guess that will have to work. Promise we'll stay together?" "I promise you Richard Michael Shaffer, that we will stay together."

He leans down and places a kiss to her lips, smiling into the kiss. "I love you (Y/N)." "I love you too Richie."

Holy crap I'm cutting it close here.
arroyosqueen here it is! My entry for this round.
{341 Words}

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