Jace Peterson {Cops and Robbers} [MLB]

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"Have you guys seen Jace today?" I asked as the entire team gathered in the clubhouse. Everyone shook their heads and looked around at everyone else. "He isn't our boyfriend." Jeff Francouer says, causing the team to laugh. "We need to go find him. You kinda need your second basemen."

Everyone splits up and begins to search across the city of Atlanta. Chase D'Arnaud and Matt Wisler were helping me search for Jace. "If this man gets arrested, I'm not bailing his ass out of jail." Chase says as he cranks up the car radio.

Matt laughs from the back seat as I roll my eyes. "Wow, Jace definately feels the love from you." We drive through the streets of Atlanta, not seeing Jace anywhere. "Someone call Jace, see if he answers." I said as I pulled into a Taco Bell parking lot. We exit the car and I walk inside to order food, seeing as I was starving.

Ordering our food, we sit down at a table to eat of food. A tapping sound comes from the glass next to us, and we look up just to see Jace Peterson standing there. "Get out here." He mouths to us through the glass that seperated us. Something was wrapped up in his shirt and he kept looking around frantically.

"Jace, what's going on?" Matt said as we got back in the car. All Jace managed to say was "Just drive." I pull out of the parking space and nail the gas, squealing my tires as we exit the parking lot.

"What the hell is going on?" Chase began to interrogate Jace as Jace began to calm down. He let out a shakey laugh as he started to tell us the story.

"So, uh, I was walking to the field and I passed by a dog. I thought it was a stray, so I picked it up. Some dude came out of no where and started yelling at me that I had his dog and that I needed to put it down before he kicked my ass. I started to run and the guy chased me. Luckily, I lost him and now here I am."

"Wait, where's the dog now?" A bark comes from the backseat, causing Chase and I to look at eachother. "Was that, the dog?" "Yeah." He unravels the front of his shirt and there appears a tiny dog. "I can't believe this."

We pull back into Turner Field and Jace quickly dashes inside the park. "This is gonna be a long day." Chase and Matt both pat my back before following behind Jace. Locking my car, I slowly make my way down to the clubhouse.

As I opened the door, I see shirtless men being chased by the dog. "Get this dog! Why is it chasing me? Jace, I'm gonna kill you!" Jeff yells as he jumps on top of a table. I roll my eyes at Jeff as I walk towards Jace. As I sit down next to him, the dog hops into his lap.

"Jace, is the dog supposed to come home with us?" I ask, my voice slightly unsure. "Well, yeah!" His eyes lit up as he looked down at the dog that was asleep in his lap. I sigh and close my eyes, thinking everything through.

The guys left the clubhouse, leaving just Jace, the dog and I. "Jace, I'm not too sure about keeping this dog." I told him truthfully. He looked up at me from his position in the floor, confusion filling his eyes. "W-What do you mean?" I sigh and run my hand over my face. "Babe, you pretty much stole this dog."

"It's a stray dog! No collar, no tags, no nothing!" He exclaims to me. "I didn't steal this dog!" The dog senses Jace's sudden mood change and rests its head on his lap. "Please baby, let me keep the dog. It loves me." He gives me puppy dog eyes while begging like a little kid in a candy store.

"If someone reports the dog missing, with proof of ownership, you have to return it. Other than that, I guess you can keep it." Jace yells with excitement, scaring the dog. It jumps up and runs across the room before running back to Jace. "Since you're a female, I'm gonna call you Miracle."

"Thank you baby girl." He says as he picks up Miracle from her spot on the ground. "Thank you for letting me keep her." "She makes you happy Jace. It makes me happy to see you this happy." He places a gentle kiss to my lips before Miracle barks, causing Jace to pull away. I glance down at the dog in Jace's arms and laugh.

"Jace, you might want to teach her that she's gonna have to share you with me."

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{817 Words}

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