Gunner Gomez {They Won't Know What Hit 'em} [Youtube]

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My professor rambled from his position at the front of the classroom, causing my eyelids to droop. Not even the music that filled my ears would keep me awake during this boring lecture. Seeing as this class had just begun, I knew that I was in for a long class period.

"Shit." I mutter as my phone vibrates from its spot on my desk. Seeing a Snapchat from Gunner, I quickly swipe to open it.

From: Gunner❤️
I miss you! Hope you're class isn't too boring today

I giggle a slight bit, but not loud enough for anyone to hear. He was off at work while I was in class, and seeing as his job was mainly shooting NERF Guns and recording videos with the guys, he had plenty of time to text me.

To: Gunner❤️
I was almost asleep when your snap popped up. Thanks for waking me up, lol

Almost immediately, he sent me a picture. Attached, was a picture of Connor, who had a pillow on his desk and was sound asleep. The caption read 'Hahaha, don't be a Connor, save the sleeping for later'.

Just as I was about to send a message back, my professor began to walk in my direction, so I had to put my phone away for the moment. As soon as his back was turned, I was back to messaging Gunner.

I sent him a selfie of my half-asleep face, along with the caption 'If only this class was actually interesting and entertaining, then I wouldn't be falling asleep'. His response was to spam my phone with videos of him doing different Snapchat filters, trying to get me to laugh.

To: Gunner❤️
Cute babe, real cute. Especially the one of you as a deer

He opened my message and didn't respond, which didn't worry me in the slightest. I knew Joey, Bryan or Matt had most likely asked him to do something for them, and the bosses ranked higher than the girlfriend while at work. Moments later, he sent me a picture of him holding a NERF Gun, with the caption 'They won't know what hit 'em'.

I sent him a video of me shaking my head, along with the caption 'Don't get in trouble'. Clicking the power button on my phone, I set it back down and look back to the front of the room. Soon afterwards, my phone was vibrating again, but this time with a Snapchat from Kevin.

From: Keobi
What is Gunner doing? He just asked me where the extra NERF bullets were

To: Keobi
Idek, I think he's planning a surprise attack on the guys. Send me a video of it if he does it before I get there

"Alright, class dismissed!" The professor called out, snapping me back to reality. Grabbing my stuff, I dash out of the classroom and to my car, seeing as that was my last class of the day. I threw my backpack into the trunk of my car and started the car up, backing out of my parking space.

"Ahhhhh!" Is the first thing I hear as I walk in the front door of Hi-5 Studios. NERF bullets were flying everywhere, so I used my backpack as a shield. "(Y/N) here, take this. You might want it." Mike tossed me a NERF weapon and we began the trek deeper into the office space.

"Everyone's in the warehouse. Gunner decided to do a surprise attack and when they attacked back, he ran to the warehouse." Mike explained as we opened the warehouse door, only to see pure chaos.

"This is what you get Gunner!" Joey yelled from his spot behind the foam screen that Team Edge had set up to help their audio. Matt and Bryan were behind the giant beanbags, waiting on Gunner to make a move.

I snuck around everyone and everything until I was behind Gunner. Hitting him in the back, he turns around and a look of shock hits his face. "Alright, alright! You guys win!" Cheers erupt in the warehouse and everyone begins to file out.

"How did you sneak up on me?" "It's not that hard to do when everyone is distracted. Maybe you should learn to be a ninja." Placing a kiss to his cheek, I grab my bookbag from it's position on the floor and walk back to his office, where I see everything was covered in silly string.

"Hey Gunner, I don't think you know what hit you."


I really enjoyed writing this one, mainly because it involved my favorite group of Youtubers, Battle Universe!
If you have never seen Battle Universe, Team Edge or Team Edge Gaming, you should really check those channels out!
Let me know what you thought of the imagine!
{797 Words}

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