Shelby Miller {Backstabbing} [MLB]

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Kellie's POV

It's been 8 months since he asked me out and 9 months since I found him. I've been undercover for 10 months. The bad news is, it all ends today. Today is the day they take Shelby Charles Miller away.

10 Months Ago

"What am I supposed to do this time?" I asked as I sat down in a chair in my bosses office. "Shelby Charles Miller, wanted for car jackings, armed robberies and evading arrest in multiple states. He's part of a group, but he seems like he would be the easiest to catch. Once we catch him, he should give us information of the whereabouts of his buddies. Your job is to find him and convince him that you are his friend. Once you've gained his trust, feed the information to us and we'll catch him." He hands me a folder and I open it to see a picture of Mr. Miller.

"Alright sir, I won't let you down." I shake my bosses hand and walk out the door, the folder tucked away in my bag. They give me everything else I'm gonna need for the trip before I exit the building.


I roll out of the bed that I was sharing with Shelby and walk into the bathroom that was connected. After showering and getting dressed, I walk out into the living room. 6:07 AM, no sleep for me. My nerves were on edge about what was to happen this afternoon. I've been relaying information to my boss for months, and he told me they finally had enough information to arrest Shelby.

Making a pot of coffee, I drink a cup before sitting on the couch. 6:22 AM. Time seemed to fly by this morning, but I knew that come this afternoon it would seem to inch by. I placed my coffee cup on the table before walking upstairs to the bedroom, where Shelby was still sleeping. Running my fingers through his hair, he moved very slightly but continued to sleep.

9 Months Ago

A man entered the busy coffee shop I was in and the only empty seat in the place was at the table I was sitting at. He grabbed his coffee and walked over to the table I was at. "Is this seat taken?" He asked. I shook my head and he sat down. We started to chat to one another, and soon we were trading phone numbers. At the top of the paper he handed me, was the name S.C. Miller.

The initials looked familiar, and when I checked my file I saw why. The guy I was looking for had been in front of me. I put the phone number in my contacts and soon recieved a text from him, which began our 'relationship'.


As I looked down at a sleeping Shelby, I realized just what he meant to me. He had started out being just a guy that I was trying to catch for a case, and now he was a huge part of my life. The more time I had spent with him, the more I began to care for him, and the more I began to care for him, the more I didn't want them to find him.

Shelby begins to move around, and soon his eyes meet mine. "Morning." He says as he runs his hand through his hair. "Good morning." I say, my voice slightly shakey. He sits up and places a kiss on my lips before walking into the bathroom to shower.

I walk back into the living room and turn on the TV, seeing ESPN had Sportscenter on. Shelby walked into the room and laid down on the couch, his head resting in my lap, which allowed me to mess with his hair again.

8 Months Ago

Shelby and I had been talking for the last month, and he seemed like a great guy. A guy who's life got sidetracked and everything fell apart. He told me stories about what it had been like growing up in Texas and playing baseball, even being drafted to the MLB.

"I started hanging out with the wrong people." Is what he had told me. "Everyday I regret hanging out with them because it took away my baseball career." Emotions had filled his voice and he began to cry. "Please, help me." He had asked me through the tears. I agreed to help him, and since that day we've been dating.


My phone lit up from its position next to me. It was my boss, saying that they would be here at 2:45 to get Shelby.

It's 1:15 now.

Time flew by while Shelby and I had talked to each other. He was scared of the cops, scared to face the truth. The people he was hanging out with wrapped him into their problems, and now they are Shelby's problems as well. "Babe?" He looked up at me with worry. "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'm fine Shelbs." He gave me a look, and I could tell he didn't believe me. As he sat up, he pulled me onto his lap and I rested my head on his chest. My arms were tightly wrapped around him.

The clock ticked past 2:00, and my heartrate quickened. I ran upstairs and threw some clothes in a duffel bag for Shelby, then some for me. 2:20. After I had placed the bags in my car, I grabbed anything else we would need. 2:30. "Shelby, come on. We have to leave, and now." Is what came out of my mouth as I was writing a note.

I couldn't tell what he was thinking by the look he gave me, but I could tell he thought I was crazy. "Babe, what are you talking about?" The clock was ticking closer to 2:45, so I grabbed his hand and ran to my car. I started it and tore off down the road, turning just infront of the cops.

"What's going on?" He asked me later in the day as we drove down the road. "I guess I should tell you." Sighing, I tell him the whole story about how I am, or was, a government agent set out to catch him. His face showed betrayal, but the farther I got into the story, the more that look faded. Once I had reached the end of the story, he face held a look of shock.

"You gave up your job, just to be with me?" He exclaimed as he proccessed everything that was going on. I nodded my head and he just looked at me. "You're crazy to have done that." He told me as he intertwined our fingers. "But I'm crazy over you." Was my response, and to that he just smiled.

"Wait, didn't you write a note just before we left?" He asked as he remembered it. "Yeah, I did." "What did it say?" I laugh as I remember what I had written on that tiny little slip of paper.

Peace out suckers!✌🏼️

Let me know what you thought about it!
Here you go KellBell59
Sorry it's so long!
{1203 Words}

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