Draco Malfoy {Welcome To Hogwarts} [Movies]

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"(Y/N)! Hurry up! You're going to miss the train!" My mother screeched up the stairs. I sighed and grabbed my trunk, pulling it behind me. "Who knew that leaving for Hogwarts would be so rough." I mutter to myself.

"Mum, where is Aphrodite?" I screamed, ready to have a mental breakdown from all the stress. "I have her!" Reaching the bottom step, I see my barn owl sitting in her cage fast asleep. "The train will leave without you if you don't hurry."

Mum held my arm while I held my trunk and Aphrodite's cage as she apparated us to King's Cross Station. "Quickly, make your way to Platform 9 3/4's." I walk inside and am overwhelmed by the amount of people in the building. "Mum? Mummy!" I turn around and tears fill my eyes as I can't find her. "Are you okay?" Turning back around, I'm met by a young child, around my age, with platnium blonde hair.

"N-No, I'm lost and don't know where my Mum is." "Well, where are you going?" He asked me as he led me through the crowd. "Platform 9 3/4's. I'm on my way to Hogwarts." "Me too! I'm Draco Malfoy." "I'm (Y/N)." "Draco, who is this? You ran away and made your mother worry." "Sorry Father. She was lost and I thought I could help her." "You aren't here to help people, you are here to go to school." The man grabs Draco firmly by the shoulder and leads him away from me.

"Ah, there you are (Y/N)." My mum rests her hand on my back and leads me towards a column between platform's nine and 10. "Lean against the wall and you will be at the train." I do what she says, and find myself in front of a scarlet train.

"See you at Christmas (Y/N)." Mum pats my shoulder and turns around, leaving me alone on the platform. I load my belongings onto the train and find an empty compartment. "Hey (Y/N), right?" Someone says as they open the door.

Looking up, I see Draco standing there. "I'm sorry about earlier. Father is very strict about what I do." "It's okay. Wanna sit?" He nods and enters the compartment, followed by two heavyset lads. "Crabbe, Goyle sit."

All three boys sit across from me, Crabbe and Goyle not speaking a word. "What house do you believe you'll be in?" Draco asks me, breaking the heavy silence. "I'm really not sure. My mother was a Ravenclaw and my father was a Hufflepuff." Draco sticks his nose in the air, arrogance emitting from him. "Well, I know I'll be in the Slytherin house. Mother and Father were both in it, as well as my Auntie Bellatrix." The silence covers the compartment again and I lean against the window.

"Woah." I gasp as Hogwarts came into view. Sliding my robes onto my shoulders, I grab my belongings and follow everyone else off the train. Standing around confused, someone grabs my arm. "First year ride the boats to the school." Looking up, I see a red-headed boy. "Is it that obvious that I'm a first year?" "Just a little. I'm Ron Weasley by the way." "(Y/N)! Quit talking to the blood traitor."

Turning around, I see Draco standing there with a sneer on his face. He grabs my arm and pulls me away, so I wave at Ron as I am pulled away. We soon reach the castle and am led into the Great Hall by Professor McGonagall.


The Sorting Hat yells my name and I slowly make my way forward. It's placed on my head and the hat makes a confused noise. "You have the brains of a Ravenclaw, the bravery of a Gryffindor. Very, very cunning though. Enough to be a Slytherin." I see Ron sitting hopefully at the Gryffindor table, while Draco was seated at the Slytherin table.


Ron's face falls as I make my way towards the Slytherin table. Malfoy makes Goyle move and I sit next to him. "Welcome to the superior house (Y/N)."


Been working on this for a while, and it's finally complete!
Let me know what you thought!
{710 Words}

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