Chapter 2

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Lucas POV

Today is another day. I wake up to my mother making food in the kitchen. Our home is quite large, but cramped. It looks small, but we make the best of it. I see Missy outside, and I duck underneath the window, so she doesn't see me.

Lucas, what are you doing? Oh, Missy, go out and say hi. Aren't you guys friends?

Yeah. -I say sarcastically.

I'll just wait for Josh, then we are leaving.

Alright, can you get the mail from the slot?

I walk to the door, still crouched to the floor, so she doesn't see me. I grab the mail, quietly, so she doesn't hear me at the door and knock. I swear everyday with this girl. At school, Hey, Lucas, Josh, can we hang out today? No, sorry, I have chores. At the blacksmiths. Hey Lucas, Nice job on that horseshoe. Do you want to go grab dinner tonight? No, I eat dinner with my family. What about on break? No thanks. This girl is relentless. I look through our mail while sitting at the dining table. I see some letters from Father from back at the farm, a love note from Missy that goes directly into the fire, and something from the royal family.

Mama, you know what this is?

It is an invitation to the princesses' ball tonight.

Why are the princesses having a ball?

You haven't learned about the law yet?

Maybe, I just haven't payed attention.

Well, the royal children of the King and Queen need to find a partner at the age of fourteen that they see fit to rule the kingdom alongside them one day.

Just as she finishes her sentence, I hear chickens clucking loudly in the distance. I see feathers flying, a cart flips over. People are shouting, then I see the problem: Josh. He is running with a letting in his hand, a big bag on his back and is shouting: "PLEASE EXCUSE ME EMERGENCY HERE!!" He then storms in my door and starts talking.

Did you get a le-- dude.


You got a letter. We are eligible to meet the princesses.

Are you sure? How is this not some type of scheme?


Because I'm not a girl, Josh. And do you not know the chances of us actually meeting the princesses?

A big one considering the age range is 14-16. How many teenage boys are in the country?

A lot.

But are a lot of them actually going to go to the ball?

Most likely.

What are you carrying?

My suit for tonight. Come on dude, go grab yours and we will head to the shop.

Fine, but I don't see the point of going to the ball. -I say as I walk to my room.

Come on, I just want to meet Princess Maya, and I have seen the way you get when something about Princess Riley pops up. They are our age, gorgeous and you tell me, "She is so beautiful, I wish I knew her. " So come one dude. Let's get out our suits, and hit the floor. When princesses see us, they will be batting down any other guy there.

Fine, you got a deal.

Then we do a handshake we made up when I first got here. I haven't seen that suit since I put in that box when I was moving. Might as well dust it off if it means I can actually meet the Princess. I went through a box in my closet, and pull it out. Josh and I throw down the letters, and walk outside with the clothing bags over my shoulder. Once I see her, I try to go back inside the house, but my mother locked the door. I bang on the door.


Then Missy comes up to Josh and I.

Missy: Hey guys. Lucas, are you going to the ball tonight?

Josh: Yes, he is.

I smack him in the arm.

Missy: Perfect, I wanted to know if you and I could go together? Like on a date.

I'm sorry, but I am going on my own tonight.

Missy: What, are you guys trying to get together with the princesses? You know how high of a chance that would be?

Josh: With our looks and charisma, very high.

Missy: Alright, but I guess, I'll see you guys at the ball?

Probably not. -I say under my breath.

Missy: What?

You got it.

She walks away and Josh and I start walking to the tailor and seamstress' shop. While we are walking, I see a brunette, a blonde, and a little boy in a guard's suit. The little boy is walking like he is walking on glass. He is tiptoeing around the girls like he is protecting them with his life. They look our age, but I haven't seen them at our school. We arrive at the tailor and they fit our suits.

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