Chapter 23

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Reader's POV

Josh, Lucas, Maya, and Riley are in the training room, the girls collecting their weapons off of the wall. Lucas explains to his friends of a plan to get Missy out of their lives for good and to get her locked up for injuring a member of the royal family.

Lucas: We can trick her. I can lure her out, and we can have the three of you in shadows with weapons, but just to threaten her.

Riley: And what if she sees through this plan?

Then use one of the darts to knock her out.

Maya: We don't know what she used.

Josh: We can use anesthesia, to make her fall asleep. Just make her walk into a room first, then we can pump it through the vents.

Riley: Wait, so we can push her into a room with weapons?

Lucas: No, You guys will come out, but I will go with her. I will bring her into a room, and close the door behind me.

Maya: Lucas, you can't do that.

Josh: Maya's right. What if she locks you in there and runs away with you? What if you don't wake up from the chemical before she does, and she kills you?

Lucas: Josh, you are sounding like I wouldn't hide a gas mask on my belt.

Josh: Oh, thank God.

Josh and Lucas hug. The four of them grabbed some weapons. Maya grabbed a slingshot with a few heavy pebbles. Josh grabbed a sword off the wall, and swung it around. Surprisingly, he knew what he was doing. He took a swing against a dummy and then swung it around for fun. He had control over it. Riley grabbed a bow and a full quiver of arrows. Lucas grabbed a dagger and stuffed it into a sheath then into a belt loop. he saw a gas mask on the wall, then stuffed it inside of his jacket. They grabbed two more blades for Farkle. Lucas' plan was to happen that night, or they would all fail to keep their parents safe.

They walked into Farkle's room to see him sitting upright, reading a book called, How to Rule the World. He sees the girls and the girls run into his arms.

Girls: Farkle!

Farkle: Ladies. What's going on, why do you guys have your training weapons?

Maya: Lucas has a plan to get rid of Missy.

They all explain the plan to Farkle, and he persuades the doctor to release him. He complains he feels no pain, and if anything happens, he will come back. The doctor gives in after all five of them get down on their knees, cup their hands together, and yell, "Please!" They run out and run to the King and Queen.

Corey: Are you sure this plan will work?

Topanga: He is right, what if your plan fails, what will happen.

Lucas walks forward and speaks on his knees.

If the plan does go wrong, my King and Queen, I will risk my life to save your daughters' lives.

Josh: As will I.

Farkle: Ditto.

Corey: You all love our daughters that much to the point where you will risk your lives?

All: Yes.

Josh: We will stand by our loved ones and protect our kingdom with every ounce of our being.

Farkle: King, Queen, we will not rest until we know your family here is safe.

Topanga: It is relieving to know how much the three of you would give up to protect us and our people. I am proud to call you my sons.

Topanga steps down from where she was sitting and gave the three boys a hug.

Corey: I am really proud of the three of you. It kills me to say this, but you are going to be the perfect rulers.

The king gives them all handshakes, then the five of them see the time. It is 8 o'clock. They rushed everyone into their rooms and locked their doors. The guard was in their positions, and secretly watching where the five of them stood. Farkle was getting the gas into the vents, waiting for Lucas' signal. Riley and Maya stood behind different pillars underneath black cloaks, appearing to look like shadows. Josh was hidden on top of the rafters. He was on a rope, ready to repel down onto the ground. Lucas was waiting in the middle of the hall. But then they all went on edge once they heard that deafening voice.

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