Chapter 31

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I barely started making edits of my own for the media. I started on the last chapter. If you guys want me to edit the other media photos, let me know.
-Chase xoxo


Lucas POV

It is about 6:15 and I have dropped a textbook on my foot four times. Maya is doing this like a pro. But she got pulled out of the room by Josh who looked fairly concerned. But if Josh is talking with Maya, Riley is alone. I run out of there, and pass Josh and Maya in the hallway. I run in and see a nurse checking her pulse.

Don't worry, she isn't in a coma. She is just sleeping.

At 6:24?

We have her on some pain medication, there is a drowsy side effect.

A -- well -- can I --

Yes, you can go in with her.

Thank you.

She curtsies, and walks out. I pull up a chair next to her bed and sit there. She looks so peaceful, no harm can touch her. My perspective of her has changed. She isn't Smiley Riley anymore. She is someone stronger, much stronger, than she used to be. Someone who values everyone before herself. That is a good quality to have in a queen. I lean forward and reach for her hand. I put it in mine, and held it. Her hand was warm, her nails were painted a white base with silver glitter. Her hand was still her hand, her lips still her lips. She was herself, but even more herself, and I don't know how. She was asleep, but I saw her, not babbling or making plans or falling over something or staring at me with those deep brown eyes that make me fall apart inside. I saw her for who she was without actually needing her to talk.

While thinking, time has past me. I never underestimated how time could follow me. No matter how limitless moments you spend with someone, time will always catch up with you.

I love you, my princess.

I love you, my prince.

You're awake?

Sure am. What time is it?

Summer time.

Did you just quote High School Musical?

Yeah, I have a little sister. I know some girl things.

That's sweet. But seriously, what time is it?

Almost 9.

How long have you been here?

About a half hour after Josh left.

Oh yeah, how did their talk go?

Talk about what?

Josh asked me why she called herself broken, I told him why, and he went to go talk to her about it.

And you didn't tell me before giving someone relationship advice?

Well, were you here? No, so don't complain. If Josh wanted to tell you, he will.

Yeah, you should get your rest.

Hey, you get the place to yourself tonight.

Don't worry about me. I'll stay with you until you fall asleep again.

You sure?

Of course I'm sure.

I grab her hand again, and move the hair out of her eyes, and push it behind her ear. She closes her eyes and her head moves to the other side. I stay with her for about another fifteen minutes. It doesn't take that much to make her fall asleep. I slowly release her hand, and tiptoe out of her room. I walk out of there and back to my room. On my way, I bump into the queen.

I am so sorry, ma'am.

No, Lucas, it is fine. I told you, you can call me Mom.

Right, sorry. I am confusing you with Mr. Matthews. He just doesn't like me.

Don't worry. I am weird, Corey is celery.

Hahah, well, I should get some sleep, were you on your way to see Riley?

Actually yes. Anytime she and Maya were sick, I would read them bedtime stories.

Both her and Maya would be sick?

Well, yes. They are best friends. They would pass it back and forth to each other.

Ahh, well, I just saw her fall asleep, so do with that what you will. Goodnight, Queen Topanga.


I'm sorry. Mom.

Goodnight, Lucas.

I walked away from her and made my way to the room. I walked past Farkle's room, and heard him laughing really hard. I barged in.

Dude, what is so -- funny. Is that a girl??

I saw Farkle, sitting on his bed, with his laptop in front of him. There was this girl on the screen. She had glasses, and two braids coming down.

Smackle: My name is Isadora Smackle. You are Lucas Friar. Soon to be one prince of our land. May I ask why you are in Farkle's bedroom?

Farkle: Yeah, Lucas, why are you here?

I was heading to my room after I saw Riley. Who is that?

Smackle: Farkle, is he deaf? I will repeat myself loudly so he can read my lips. Can he read lips? I AM IS-A-DO-RA SM-AC-KLE!

I am not deaf, Isadora! Farkle, is this the girl who Maya told us you met at the ball?

Farkle: Maybe.

Then we don't need a choosing ball?

Farkle: Probably not.

Smackle: Do you mean that Farkle?

Farkle: I do, Smackle. I always tell you that opposites attract. A summer rain, or just plain fire. Most similarities don't last as long but you and I used to be archnemesises.

That's true, I am just going to leave you guys to it.

Both: Goodbye!

I walk back out, and I see Farkle hop back onto his bed again. I shake my head and laugh. I make it to my room without anymore interruptions. I fall onto the bed with my legs hanging off the end. I look at the ceiling and close my eyes. I sigh really loudly then get up again. I rub my face and get ready for bed. When I get into the bed, it feels empty without Riley there.

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