Chapter 25

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Maya POV

I was grabbing my head in pain. I heard Josh and Farkle and Riley scream before I fell into a really deep sleep. I woke up on the floor. I tried to move my arms, and get up but I couldn't. I felt something prickly on my wrists. I turn and I see my hands are tied with some thick rope to a bed leg. I turn around again to look in the room, and we are in Riley's room. I try to wiggle free but my wrists were bound together by that rope.

My cloak was on the ground in front of me. Underneath the cloak, it looked like someone's body. I used my feet to move the cloak, and I see Josh, asleep. At Josh's feet, I saw Farkle, lying completely on his side. Their hands and legs were tied like my hands were.

Oh my God. Josh, Farkle, wake up!

I am guessing they got a bigger dosage of the chemical than I realized. I was in Riley's room, so where was Riley? Where was Lucas? Riley's bed frame was quite high, so I was able to stand up a little bit. I bent my knees and looked in the bed, Riley wasn't there and neither was Lucas.

I need to cut myself free. I look around her room, I look at her desk, i see the scissors. I move my hands out from under my legs and spin around, so then I am facing the bed leg. I turn around and drop my whole body to the floor. I am short, so my legs, can't reach that far. But, I kicked her chair. I kept knocking on the chair, trying to bump the table. The supplies cup was on the edge, if I could just knock it over and pull over those scissors. After about five more bangs, the cup fell over and broke. I put the toe of my shoe on the edge of the scissors handle, and pulled my leg towards me. I bring the scissors up to my body and reach for them as far as I could with my hands. I got them and open them. I cut through about half of the rope. I rip the rope apart and stand up. I put on my cloak and untie Josh and Farkle. I was going to walk out and let the boys wake up on their own, but the doors were locked. Then I heard this groaning.

Farkle stood up and rubbed his head.

Maya? Why are we in Riley's room? Where is Riley?

I don't know, but right now, we need to wake up Josh and get out of here.

You wake up Josh, and I'll break down the door.

Farkle, this isn't time for games!

No, I can do it. Pick up Josh, and stand back!

I do as he says and pull Josh to his feet and hang half of his body over my shoulders. I looked at Farkle, and he was about to get a running start. He ran at the door and jumped with his legs out. He kicked the door, right in the seam where the two doors meet, and they flew open.

Woah, Farkle.

I know right. Let's get Josh out of here and find Riley and Lucas.


Farkle grabbed the other side of Lucas and we waddled down the hallways.

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