Chapter 40

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Smackle POV

I took what Riley and Maya told me into account. They are pretty wise for girls that are my age, but again, they are royalty. I walked out of that room with them and walked with them to another room. We walked inside and we saw this lady there. The girls said this was their royal designer, she made the clothes for everyone here.

Riley: This is Rachel. She is going to make clothes for you. New ones. Compliments of the royal family.

Rachel: Jeez, your family just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Maya: Even if you aren't going to be a part of it, you are welcome here anytime.

They tried to give me hugs, but I brought my arms up into my chest, and they hugged me on both sides.

I'm not very comfortable with this.

Maya: Oh, yeah, Asperger's don't do that well with touch.

Riley: Maya remembered something that was about something intellectual? I'm proud of you, peaches.

Okay, do you guys mind?

Both: Oh.

They released me and Rachel started moving this measuring tape around. She got my measurements, then gave me some normal clothes to change into, so I wouldn't be stuck in a dress the entire time. The clothes she gave me were actually very nice, and looked really my style.

Rachel: Well, may I say, you look lovely. Farkle won't know what hit him. Whoever made your dress must be very talented.


Riley, Maya, and I went back to Riley's room, and they guys were there with Lucas. They were all still in their formal attire, as were we.

Riley: Hey, Lucas! What are you guys doing here?

Lucas: We were waiting for you guys to show up again.

Lucas, let me go!

Maya: yeah, Lucas, take a hint!

The ladies and I walked into Riley's closet, and we laid out the clothes I was given. Through the door, we could hear the boys laughing so hard, that Josh was screaming, Lucas turned into a very high pitched person, and Farkle yelled, then a thud, so we assumed he fell to the floor in laughter.

The girls and I were having fun. They helped me arrange different outfits among the clothes that would nice for my personality. We changed into some sleeping clothes then walked out. We were all wearing V-necks and shorts, the guys were laughing, and pounding on the floor because something was so funny. They got up, wiped their tears. They straightened up their jackets and ties, then calmed down.

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