Chapter 13

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Riley POV

Lucas and I woke up and got ready. I brushed out my hair, and he then used that brush to comb through his bed head. I changed in the closet as I picked out what I wanted to wear and he grabbed his clothes out of the closet then changed in the bathroom. We finished getting ready and walked into the class to find Farkle waiting there. My father is sitting behind a desk and typing up something. Lucas takes the seat next to Farkle and I take my seat in front of Lucas. About five minutes later, Maya and Josh walk in, hand in hand, and have their notebooks, clutched to their sides. Josh sits on Farkle's other side, and Maya sits in front of Farkle, in her usual spot. The three guys sit in a row behind us. Then our dad begins the lesson.

Corey: Alright. Good morning guys. So what do you think we will be learning about today?

Farkle: Belgium in 1831.

Corey: Farkle, we already learned about that.

Farkle: But Farkle loves Belgium in 1831, see?

I turn around and see Farkle holding open his flannel. His inside shirt has the Belgium flag on it. His notebook has the Belgium flag on it also. Farkle loves to learn things and apparently Belgium was his favorite so far. I don't understand what was so exciting about Belgium but it made our best friend happy.


Farkle: Farkle loves Belgium!

Lucas: Do you always refer to yourself in third person?

Farkle: Sometimes. It is how I talk. I AM FARKLE!

Corey: This is how I talk. I am teacher. But this lesson is for our new students. Lucas and Josh.

Farkle: HA!

Corey: And you too, Farkle.

Farkle: WHAT?!?!

Lucas and Josh: What?

Maya: Oh boy.

Corey: Today is about teamwork. You will be given an assignment that involves the all of you. Riley and Maya have done this before.

Me and Maya: We have?

Corey: You two do it everyday. This assignment is about responsibility. You guys need to look out for each other every single day for the rest of your lives.

Farkle: But why me? I'm not a prince.

Corey: You are considered a part of our family. I need to talk to you after class.

Lucas and Josh: Us too?

Isn't it adorable when they speak in unison?

Maya: Either adorable or creepy.

Lucas: How is is creepy? We are best friends.

But not even me and Maya say everything in unison.

Corey: That is nothing. Shawn and I can finish each other's --

Shawn: Sentences.

Corey: SHAWNIE!!

Shawn: COREY!!

They have a big bear hug in the middle of class. They jump in a circle Shawn is our father's best friend from when they were younger. We haven't seen him in a long time. He is a reporter for a website. So he travels a lot. The last time we saw him was about five years ago.

Josh: We are the best friends on planet.

Maya: We are the best friends in the solar system.

Shawn: We are the best friends in the galaxy.

Farkle: There could actually be better martian friends on another planet.

Lucas: We know everything about each other.

Corey: We know everything about each other and we can finish-

Shawn: Each other's-

Corey: Sentences!

We know everything about each other, can finish each other's sentences, and we can read each other's minds.

All boys: No.

Lucas: Prove it.

Both: 1-2-3- Rainbows. 1-2-3- Boys. 1-2-3- Farkle.

Corey: We can do that!

Shawn: No we can't.

Corey: 1-2-3- PUPPIES!

Shawn: Can't do it.

Josh: Can we do that?

Lucas: I don't know. You wanna try?

Both: 1-2-3-

Lucas: Riley.

Josh: Maya.

Maya and I: Aww.

Lucas: We got the same subject, --

Josh: Just the different person.

After catching up, Father gets back to the lesson. The boys' project is that they should be in charge of each other's decisions for the next few days. Farkle has been staying at the castle as if it were boarding school. Farkle will make Lucas' decisions, Lucas makes Josh's, and Josh makes Farkle's. They understood the deal and excluded the decisions concerning coronation decisions. Because if Farkle chose Lucas' suit design for the coronation, he would be crowned in a bright orange turtle neck and a bright blue blazer with a bowl haircut.

Father stops the class by talking to Shawn and catching up with his life in the past five years again. They sat behind his desk and Father was laughing like a little girl; giggling with his hand over his mouth. I talk to Lucas and Josh about the deal they needed to make. Hopefully nothing goes wrong with that plan. Note my sarcasm.

The first thing Lucas was deciding was whether or not to call his family. He was allowed to call his family while Shawn and Father were talking. He enjoyed the call and I got to talk to his mother a bit. We had a good phone call and his mother seems to like me. I told her he was being a complete gentlemen, and nice and caring towards me and my family. That is something so true and something a mother would always love to hear.

That sounds amazing, Mrs. Friar. We would love to come and visit soon.

How is the coronation coming along?

Very well, we are getting started today. The guys are getting fitted or their coronation and ball suits.

Fancy. I cannot wait to see my baby on the TV.

You aren't going to come to his coronation?

How could I?

You are his mother. You and his siblings are coming.

Really, Princess?

Please, it would mean the world to me and to Lucas.

Thank you so much.

The conversation ended well, and I convinced them to come. Lucas gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He thanked me for doing that and he could not stop smiling. That was the thing that lightened my day. Seeing him so happy made me happy and I loved it.

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