Chapter 15

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Thank you to StoryMaker69 for the picture. Tattooed Soulmates is one of my favorites and I love the edits you made.

Josh POV

I woke up before Maya so, I decided to get ready. We were meeting Farkle in the garden at 9 and it was 7. I let go of Maya, and she flips over onto her stomach. I decide to shower. The shower in the castle is so much better than the one in my house. It has a harder pressure. I get out of the shower, and realize I didn't grab my clothes from the closet. I tightly wrap a towel around my . . . manhood and walked out. I forgot about Maya for a few seconds, and she was just standing there. I decided to make a joke about it.

You like what you see?

Pfft, no.

Then why are you staring?

Uhhh. . . . uhh I am going to go get ready.

I need to grab my clothes.

So, I walked up to her, and continued the joke. I wanted to see what she would do. I kiss her forehead.

Are you intimidated?



I walked into the closet and she followed. I grabbed a red v-neck, black jeans, and high tops, and put them on a chair. She grabs her clothes and goes into the bathroom. I changed and shook the towel through my hair. I come out and and hear a knock on the door. I open it and it is Lucas and Farkle.

Hey guys. What's going on?

Farkle: Since I make Lucas' decisions for the time being, I say we get up early, and go get some breakfast without your girlfriends.

Lucas: We actually never really talked about that.

We are living with them and we slept in the same bed. They are our girlfriends.

Lucas: Well, since I make your decisions, Josh, I say you have to come with us.

Josh: And since I make the Farkle decisions, I say we go get some food, and Farkle has to make food faces.

Farkle: Oh boy.

I laugh and yell at Maya.



I'm gonna get breakfast with the guys. I'll meet you at the crown fittings, where are they?

Lucas: Same place as yesterday. Riley told me.

Maya: Okay. I'll meet you guys there.

I walk out with the guys, and we run to the kitchen. Farkle grabs an orange and two cookies. He put the two cookies where his eyes would be, and stuffed the orange into his mouth. I pulled out my phone, and took a picture of him. We laughed and Lucas decided to give himself some buck teeth. He took two sunflower seeds and put them underneath his upper lip. He puts on this really thick country accent. About one thousand times more than his slight country accent.

Hello there. My Name is Lucas Friar. I am your king.

Farkle and I start laughing our heads off.

What are you laughing at? Please do not stare at my teeth. My teeth are beautiful dagnabit!!

That just made us laugh ten times harder.

You are going to want to videotape this.

Lucas and Farkle take out their phone and I can hear the beeping. I grabbed two grapes, and put them in my nostrils, then put some flour on my cheeks, and turn around. I flap the back of my jacket and spin around. I start talking with a really deep voice.

Hello there. My name is Joshua. Who are you?!?! What are you looking at? Is my makeup smudged.

I say while slightly touching my face. I touched the powder, and put it on my tongue. I exclaim in disgust. EGH!! I start jumping up and down. They start laughing really hard.

Wait, what's wrong? Is there something on my nose?

I say, as I poke my nose.

Oh, I see. There is a ball in here. Hang on.

I push down on my nose, and blow. The grapes go flying out, and Lucas and Farkle fall onto the floor, dying with laughter.

Thank you, I'll be here my whole life!

Farkle and Lucas calm down a little bit, and stand up. Farkle is taking deep breaths and Lucas is leaning against a counter.

Farkle: We better get going to the crown fitting.

Sure thing.

Lucas: Let's hit it!

We start off walking really fast, but then it turned into a race. We all start running so hard, and Farkle beats us there. He opens the door and we walk inside.

Farkle: HA!

Lucas and I brush our shoulders. We have a special handshake. It is awesome. We slap hands, left and right, spin around on our heels, then point our fingers at each other. Our fingers are like Ls but horizontal. We point, and click our tongues. We lean back on our heels and fall onto a wall, put one arm up, and give our best you know you want to date me looks. If there isn't a wall around us, we lean back, and cross our arms and give the same you know you want to date me looks.

Farkle: What was that?

Lucas and I: Our handshake.

We hear laughing in the background, and turn. I see Maya and Riley, dying with laughter, leaning against each other. Then I see this man there. He looks like he is in his mid 20s. He turns around and flicks his wrist.

Hey guys, I'm Kurt. I am a crown specialist.


Kurt: Well, obviously the crowds are going to love you. All of you are gorgeous.

Lucas: Thanks?

Kurt: Oh, my sweet southern honey. It is a compliment, take it.

Riley: Every since he met Blaine, he has been happier than I am.

Farke: isn't that impossible?

Maya: No, not really. It is actually never ending.

Kurt pulls us into chairs and and the measuring tape came back. He wraps it around our head and pulls. I can feel his nail pinch the tape then it releases.

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