Chapter 22

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Lucas POV

I was really angry but to tell you the truth, a little scared. If Missy could get past our guards and hide in the castle, none of us are safe. Not even Josh with a steak knife. She took down Farkle, with a bruise in her side. She is very determined. If she could get past the guards and hide away, she had planned this out for a really long time. I asked the guards to do the most thorough search of the castle to make sure she isn't hiding somewhere. If she was, she would be put into jail for I don't even know how long. Hopefully long enough that she would go even more crazy and off herself. I would never wish that for anyone but some people's minds go of the tracks and do things that make no sense to the others around them. I walked with Farkle to the infirmary. Josh went to go tell Maya and Riley what happened. I don't know how they'll react but I think we hold off on the royal decisions for a bit.

Farkle, are you okay?

No. I can't believe I got taken down like that. What did she shoot me with anyway?

I have no idea. But we are going to find out.

We get there and the doctor looks over Farkle and his back. The doctor had this frightened look on his face, then the doctor went outside to follow the guards. I followed him and held the door open so I could hear what they were saying.

Doctor: I want this castle on lockdown. No one in or out unless they are a registered guard.

Guard: But most of our men are still involved in the search Prince Lucas asked for.

Doctor: He is yet to be prince. The three of them will never be the princes of our land if one of them is asleep forever, one is kidnapped and hidden, and the other is off being held captive with a psychopath as his "wife". Have the rest of your men guard the castle. Be it not enough, spread them as far as possible to the point where they can protect our castle.

The guard nods and the doctor comes back inside. I run back to Farkle's side and wait there.

Well, the poison is not lethal. It was meant to put you to sleep. If this is her weapon of choice, you may want to learn to earn a weapon of your own.


Yes, a way to defend yourself. A sword, dagger, blade, anything.

Farkle: We will train. The girls have training tomorrow.

What? Riley knows how to use a weapon?

Farkle: Yes, for this reason exactly, to protect themselves from intruders. To be honest, Riley enjoys it more than Maya does.

I better be cautious. Let's go Farkle. Josh and the girls are waiting for us.

Doctor: Actually, I want to keep Farkle here for observation tonight. I want to make sure the poison is completely out.

But ten minutes ago, you said he was going to be fine.

Doctor: I understand Lucas, but he still needs to be observed for safety precautions.

Farkle: Lucas, I'll be fine. I'll be at the first fitting tomorrow. I promise.

Okay. I'll be back before bed to check up on you. I need to go alert everyone.

I give Farkle a fist bump then run out. About two minutes after I left the hospital wing, I ran into Maya, Josh, Auggie, and Riley, running towards me.

Maya: Is Farkle okay?

Riley: What happened?

Josh: What did the doctor say?

Auggie: Be quiet guys! Lucas, what happened?

I told them everything the doctor said and what happened after. Riley and Maya looked at each other and nodded. They turned around and ran like they were under someone's mind control. Josh and I were really confused. I led in Auggie to the hospital to see Farkle, then Josh and I asked some nearby guards where the princesses were going.

Guard: They were going to the training room.

What is that?

It is where the princesses and prince train in combat.

Josh: Can you take us there? But we are in a rush so.


The guard starts running ahead of us and we run behind. His armor clinks with the sword he keeps on his belt. We ran for about five minutes before we stopped in front of these 10 feet tall doors. They are open about five inches.

Guard: The girls are inside.

We ran inside and saw Maya and Riley grabbing weapons off of a wall.

Guys, what are you doing?

Riley: Missy is somewhere in the castle. We know Shamus won't do anything to Missy.

Josh: Why wouldn't he do anything?

Maya: Missy is his daughter.

Both: WHAT?!

Riley: Missy is his daughter. He won't stop her. The guards won't kill a bystander but someone who broke into my home, I will go all Merosha on her butt.

Where has this Riley been? What happen to the sunshine and rainbows? Where is the girl I am in love with?

Riley walks up to me.

I am right here. But when someone threatens my family, the people I love, they don't get away with it.

Maya: That's right. If we can't even protect our family, how can we protect an entire kingdom?

Josh: You can protect them by not going into a battle you don't know how to win.

They know how to win.

All: What?

We can stop Missy by tricking her.

All: What?

I have a plan.

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