Chapter 17

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Lucas POV

Josh and I chased after Farkle because we felt bad for him. I don't know why this is coming out now, but it is better to get it out now than in thirty years when he might resent who he would be.

Farkle, what's wrong?

Farkle: I am growing up.

Josh: Then what are the new rules? I think we should know and we can tell the girls.

Farkle: Again, I am finding out who I am.

But you know who you are. You are a Farkle. One of a kind.

Farkle: What is a Farkle anyway?

Josh: A Farkle is a loyal, loving, best possible friend there could be.

I think everyone should have one. But they don't and we do. I never want him to go away.

Farkle: A Farkle is a nerdy, little scientist genius.

Josh: Is that so bad?

Farkle: What else could it be?

It, for sure, isn't a bad thing. Not to the people who care about you.

Farkle: So, it is fine if I stay the way I am?

Both: YES.

Farkle: And you'll allow me to run some tests?

Both: Huh?

Farkle: In order for a living organism to thrive, they need room to grow.

Josh: We got it.

Farkle: I won't dress the exact same way every single day.

We will all miss them. You still want to take over the world?

Farkle: I want to take over myself first . . . then yeah, the world.

Josh: Well, we will be right here next to you.

Farkle: Good, I never want that to change.

So, kings?

I say as I put my fist in the middle of all of us.

Farkle: No. Brothers.

Josh: Brothers.

Brothers. Get in here.

Our fists pound and we get in a group hug. It feels good to know my brothers have my back. Also, they need to know that I will always have their back no matter what. Kings or not, we are tethered to each other, and we will never lose that connection.

I wanted to include the scene from Girl Meets Yearbook between Lucas and Farkle. I wanted to include that scene because I thought it showed how strong their friendship is. Farkle and Lucas are awesome friends and I decided to include Josh in there because what is wrong with another friend in a group?

The guys and I picked out the crown and didn't have a lot to do for the rest of the day. The day seemed uneventful but then it was ruined. My mother called me with news.

Hey, Mama, what's up?

It's Missy.

I don't want to hear about her anymore.

You are going to want to hear this.


She left.

Great, she is gone, completely, right?

Not so much. The last thing she told her mom was that she was going to the country to make you love her.


Your brother's theory was that she went to the country to tell your father about Riley and to bring him back for the coronation. The gesture would be so big, that you would love her for everything she has done, finally.

Mother, may I swear very quickly?

No, of course not. You are soon-to-be royalty. Have manners.

May I beep?


What the beep?! I will not love her if she brings my father to the one thing that i don't want him at.

You don't want your father at the coronation?

No, he abandoned us. He made the decision not to come with us, so why should he come now.

I'm sorry honey, but her family couldn't stop her. She is coming. She isn't after Josh. She is after you.

I literally drop my phone and stand in shock. Riley looks at me really confused. She picks up my phone, but I just stand there, still frozen. I noticed my mom hung up, but I didn't move. Josh came up to me and Maya closely followed. They kept trying to snap me out of it, but I didn't move. I stared ahead until Riley stepped in front of me. She couldn't handle it anymore. I have been standing still for like a half hour. She couldn't take it anymore.


Just then, she slapped me across my face. I had to move then. It hurt. I never thought she could swing so hard.

I'm so sorry. I did not mean that, I swear.

I know you didn't. Thank you. I needed a slap back into reality.

Maya: Ooo, my turn.

Oh, no. I am fine now.

I tell them all what happened and what my mom told me. Riley started freaking out. She was pacing back and forth.


I don't know. But Riley, you need to calm down. Riley, stop.

I grip her by her shoulders to make her stop. She takes a whole bunch of deep breaths, and it feels like she is hyperventilating. I pull her in for a hug and she is still breathing like Darth Vader.

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