Chapter 3

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Lucas POV

While Josh and I are getting ready for the ball, he won't shut up about Princess Maya. My mother is tightening my tie, and Josh is dancing in the mirror. He can't dance per say but maybe when we dance with the princesses, he will get like ten times better. Hopefully.

Mom: That Princess will never know what hit her.

What if I see her and I freeze up?

Josh: If that happens, then I will shake you alive again.

Thanks bud. When I meet the princess, what do I say?

Josh: What do you say, what do I say?

Dude, last check.

Both: Breath *exhale* Nose *flares nostrils* Pits *lifts arms*

Josh: You're clean.

You are, jeez, dude what deodorant are you using?

I don't know, I found it in my brother's room.

Well, wipe it off. It reeks.

Good catch.

He runs into the bathroom, and comes back out. His arms are out and he is raising an eyebrow.



We walk outside my house, and I see Missy coming outside of her house.

Abort! Go back in. -I say as I try to run back inside. But the door is closed, and locked. Again I jiggle the knob but it doesn't work.

Hey guys.

Both: Hey Missy. (high pitched)

Missy: Do you guys want to go to the ball together?

Josh: We already told you this morning, NO!

Josh, calm down. Sorry, Missy. We are going on our own.

Missy: Fine, but I rented a ride there, so it would be faster.

No, we are good.

She walks away, and we make our march up to the castle. Josh and I make jokes on the way, and we see the entrance of the castle ahead of us. We start running. I saw all the guys going to try and meet the princesses, and my confidence definitely lowered. There are these guys with muscles, practicing their courting skills on their sisters that also came.

Girls come for fun, but the guys come to meet the princesses and be evaluated. I don't expect to be chosen. I just want to talk to Princess Riley, once. Then I will be fine with my might. Josh wants to be chosen by Princess Maya. He said he doesn't care about being rejected but he will be crushed. He looks tough, but dude, you don't know him. He is kinda like a girl at heart, but he knows how to keep up with me.

Riley POV

Seeing all of the teenage boys piling into our ballroom is crazy. And Maya and I are supposed to pick one. That is two out of dancing with almost fifty boys. Our feet are history. Father and Mother are now introducing us.

Corey: Welcome to our daughters' choosing ball.

Topanga: Tonight, our daughters will be choosing a suitor for themselves that they see fit to rule with them when we no longer can.

Corey: If one of the princesses chooses you, then you can come back to the castle whenever you please, you can feel free to stay here.

Topanga: So, it is our honor to introduce our daughters, Maya and Riley Matthews. Your Princesses.

We hear applause and the guards open the doors. We walk out slowly, and hear a bunch of guys say WOW. Typical but odd. Maya and I enter on opposite sides of the stairway and walk down the stairs. We notice how many guys there are, and we meet underneath the balcony our parents were standing on. We are holding each other and we start talking.

You shouldn't have worn heels.

Hey, but I'm a bit taller now.

Well, we are going to have to schedule some foot massages for tomorrow.


We pick two guys just out of random choice. The night goes on and on. It is now 7 o'clock at night, and Maya and I are leaning against each other. Our backs are to each other and we are the only things keeping each other standing upright.

My feet are killing me.

At least you aren't wearing heels.. -She says. Then she stands up straight.

I fall backwards on my butt. I see Maya is staring at someone. I cover my face, and then when I open my eyes, I see his.

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