#8 When your sick

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When you were sick Bellamy would make sure you didn't have to lift a finger. If you ever were cold he'd find you an extra blanket and lay down with you.

"Your gonna get sick!" You say pushing on his chest trying to get him out of bed. He laughed and shook his head wrapping his arms around your waist.

"That's okay." He told you.

"N-no its n-not B-Bell." You said shivering. He shook his head and pulled the blankets over you more and making sure his body warmth helped you stay warm. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" You asked him, he chuckled.

"Everyday, but I love you too (Y/N)." He said kissing your cheek.


He'd baby you. He'd make sure you ate all your reactions and sometimes give you some of his. He'd make sure you always stayed hydrated and drank more then enough water.

"Babe I'm fine." You whined. Finn just shook his head.

"No your not, your nose is still stuffy and your not leaving this tent until your better." He said. You grumbled nonsense to yourself and rolled over. He laid on the bed behind you and kissed the part if your shoulder that wasn't covered by your shirt and kissed it.

"I love you." He mumbled against your skin.

"I love you too." You whispered back.


He'd constantly ask you questions on how your feeling.

"I'm fine Monty, just lay with me." You mumbled, so he did. He'd take off his jacket and shoes and lay on the bed not knowing what to do. So you rolled over so you were on him. Your chests pressed together, your face in the crook of his neck.

He wrapped his arms around your waist turning to kiss your forehead.

"Your the best Mont." You mumbled against the soft skin of his neck. He shivered from under you and pushed your hair behind your ear so he could see your red nose.

"Only to you." He replied as you fell asleep.


He'd make you laugh just so you forgot that you were sick.

"Jasper stop." You said between laughs. Jasper smiled proudly to himself seeing he beautiful smile on your face.

"Stop what?"

"Stop making me laugh when I'm sick you jerk." You told him. He just smiled and pinned you against the bed.

"Tell me you love me first." He said inching closer and closer to your face. You shook your head. "Do it or I won't let you go." He said with a small smirk on his face.

"Fine fine, I love you." He dipped his head down to kiss you.

"I love you too beautiful."


He wouldn't know until you told him.

"Alright let's go, get up." Murphy said walking into your guys' tent after the fiftg time.

"Murph I'm sick, I can't work today." You groaned. He sighed and walked up to you putting a hand in your forehead and pulling away almost instantly.

"Christ. Alright I'll go tell Bellamy." He said and ran out of the tent. He was back in a matter if minuted with a cloth soaked in water. He put it on your forehead and instantly you felt your body cool down.

"Do you need anything else?" He asked.

"Yeah for you to get your ass in this bed." You groaned. He smirked and kicked off his boots and pulled his jacket off his shirt following.

He climbed into your shared bed and as soon as he did you threw yourself onto his chest, he was always cold so right now, you took it to your advantage.

"Mhmm you're amazing." You mumbled. He laughed.

"Thanks baby."

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